4 Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Bulge After Pregnancy
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Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in a woman’s body and most of these come back to normal post-pregnancy. There are, however, some changes – like those that occur with the vagina – which can be present throughout the life. Most women tend to put on weight during pregnancy and find it difficult to lose those extra kilos. Adding to this, the belly bulge becomes another concern. In this article, we will discuss what causes a belly bulge after pregnancy and how to get rid of it.
What Causes Belly Bulge Post-Pregnancy?
Due to hormonal changes, there is a lot of water retention in the body. Besides this, there are changes that happen in the vagina and breasts along with a lot of fat deposition, to nurture the growing baby.
A stomach bulge after pregnancy can occur due to multiple factors including the skin and muscle being stretched by the growing fetus and fat gets deposited around the organs. Due to the constant stretch that happened over 9 months, it takes a few weeks for the skin and muscle to come back to normal.
How Do You Get Rid Of Belly Bulge After Pregnancy?
Changes that occur due to pregnancy can take about 6-8 weeks to come back to how it was before pregnancy. The weight gained during pregnancy can be around 12-15 kgs and some weight is lost after delivery Losing overall weight helps in getting rid of the protruding belly. Following these simple steps will help with the tummy bulge within a few months.
(1) Stay active
One should not be on complete bed rest after delivery unless advised by a doctor. If the birth was through a C-section, strenuous exercises – ones that put pressure on the abdominal muscles – should not be done, because this interferes with the healing process. A woman can still be active without stressing those abdominal muscles. Taking the baby for a walk around the house or getting light groceries can help. It’s important to make a conscious effort to keep moving which helps to get the fat burning in the belly bulge.
(2) Walk
Try to get in about 30 minutes of light walking a day. Your body is in the process of healing, and any over-exertion will only cause damage. You can gradually increase to one hour depending on the comfort levels. Walking is a great exercise to lose weight.
(3) Exercise right
Target exercises such as strengthening exercises or cardio are to be postponed till at least 2 months post-delivery to help build the strength of the abdominal wall, especially in c-sections. Forearm plank, reverse crunch and scissor kicks can be done after 2 months to tone the belly muscles.
(4) Eat well
Post pregnancy if one is breastfeeding there are more calories that are required to feed the baby. Eat small and frequent meals instead of heavy meals. Reduce the number of calorie intake. Eat what is required and avoid processed foods and sugar.
If the belly bulge is associated with pain or discomfort or there is nausea, vomiting or altered stools, one needs to get in touch with a doctor as soon as possible. Many use belly wraps or corset belts thinking that it will help in reducing belly fat but while this will help support the belly and back, it will not prevent the belly bulge from forming. Eating the right amount of calories and shedding those extra pounds will help with the belly bulge – this can take time. Do not lose patience with your body as it has been working hard for you and your baby. Body changes take time, and you’re one step closer every day. Keep loving your body!
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