5 Ways To Detox Your Body Post-Diwali
3 Min Read
So, the much-awaited festival of Diwali is finally over! While you must have created a truckload of memories with friends and family and taken a gazillion ‘perfect selfies’ there are some things that would suddenly seem out of sync to you. Be it those extra pounds on the weighing scale or the gloomy feeling of having nothing to look forward to.
It happens! You don’t need to stress about it. Any festive season reflects congeniality and once they are over, it feels like dementors have come to haunt you. Well, it’s time to Patronus-away those dementors away and read these top expert-approved tips on how to detox the best way after a long holiday full of festivities—
1. Catch hold of the water bottle
While the extra pounds might be bothersome, the good news is that ‘holiday weight’ is mostly water weight. Water retention is a common scenario, especially during the holiday season, courtesy alcohol intake, drinking less water, and eating unhealthy stuff. So, it’s imperative that you hydrate yourself as much as possible, say 2-3 litres of water a day religiously to help your body flush out the extra water and toxins it had been holding in of late.
2. It’s time to be agile again
Even if you’re a fitness freak, the festivities can make your regular habits take a backseat, thanks to the rituals, gatherings, and social commitments. It is important that once the festivities are over, you get back to your routine, but don’t be too aggressive right away. Start small and do some basic exercises that can include walking, jogging, some cardio and aerobics, before bouncing back full-fledged into your high-intensity workout regimens. It’s okay to not feel nimble but motivate yourself to get back in shape and be consistent.
3. Cut the carbs and say ‘no’ to sugar
Let’s face it! Even the strongest hearts and melt when it comes to the yummiest sweets and delicacies cooked during Diwali. Be it kaju katlis or gujjiyas—you want to devour them all! So, once Diwali is gone, it’s better that you bid adieu to these delicacies as well. Cutting off sugar and high-carb foods from your diet can help you shed those extra pounds sooner than you can imagine. You can definitely treat yourself with them once in a while, but for the rest of the time, they’re best avoided. Focus more on eating healthy by including a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet, with three to four servings a day.
4. Prioritize your sleep schedules
The holiday season can truly meddle with your sleep cycle. With guests and family all around, one would gladly choose hanging out with their cousins till wee hours of the morning, not caring an iota about their sleep routines. But once the holiday is over, it’s essential for you to get back to your sleep routine. Get a good eight hours of sleep every night because sleep deprivation can only complicate your health further.
5. Don’t let it hold you
Regardless of how you feel about your shape and size after the holiday season, don’t feel guilty and hold on to it. The bottom line is, you had fun and a gala time, so there’s no point feeling guilty about it. Instead, you should focus on how you can get things on track from present and let go of whatever happened. It is important to look forward and focus on your goals instead of letting the past dominate your head.
So, ditch the guilt and self-pity and motivate yourself to be back to your best shape, state of mind, and body post all the festivities. In case you need insights into the best-customized diets to lose those extra pounds quickly and effectively, you can consult top dietitians on the MFine app right away.
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