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by Cardiologists


Paroxysmal Tachycardia: All You Need to Know


A condition of irregular arrhythmia in which the heart rate increases rapidly

Atrial tachycardia accounts for approximately 30% of all such conditions.[1]

- Can be medically diagnosed
- Can be treated by a medical professional
- Lab testing or imaging usually required

Paroxysmal refers to a period of arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, that ends abruptly. Tachycardia means a rapid heart rate. Therefore, this condition can cause an adults heart rate to increase from between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm) to between 130 and 230 bpm. When the arrhythmia starts in the atrium, that is, above the ventricles, its called paroxysmal atrial tachycardia or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. In the case of adults, it can be caused due to excess intake of caffeine, alcohol, or smoking on a daily basis.

Ages affected: Mostly adults and children with heart problems


Symptoms include rapid heart rate, accompanied by uneasiness.

People may experience:
Heart rate change: Palpitations and rapid pulse
Whole body: Breathlessness or shortness of breath and anxiety
Also common: Dizziness, chest pain, and lightheadedness


Self-care: It may be advised to take proper dietary measures to control such conditions in the future. Carotid massages, breathing exercises, or plunging the face in cold water can be useful.

Medication: The doctor may stop arrhythmia of this sorts by giving a dose of a medicine or injection. At times, radioactive ablation may be used to destroy the tissues where the attack or condition prevailed.

Specialist: For medical attention, consult a cardiologist. At mfine, we reach out to the finest hospitals to provide you with high-quality medical care and treatment.

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