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Cases done
by Cardiologists


Chest Pain and Breathlessness: Here is Everything You Need to Know


Systolic or congestive heart failure is a condition in which fluid builds up around the heart, leading to inefficient pumping of blood that eventually leads to a heart attack.

Roughly 670,000 American people are diagnosed with heart failure every year. [1]

- Life-threatening in many cases.
- Can be genetic.
- Physical examination and diagnostic tests are required.
- Can be acute and chronic.

When the ventricles in the heart are not able to pump enough blood to the body, other fluids fill up in the lungs, abdomen, liver. This condition leads to high blood pressure as the heart has to work extra to pump more blood into the body.

The severity of this condition depends on the time at which it gets detected. Therefore, it is critical that you consult a doctor as soon as you experience symptoms.

Ages affected:Congestive heart failure is common in the 35 to 50 age group and most common in those above 51 years.


Self- diagnosable
Irregular heartbeat
Swelling in the ankles
Shortness of breath.

People may experience:
Pain in the chest
Fainting or weakness
Weight gain
Lasting cough or wheezing


Self-care: Preventive care includes regular physical activity to avoid obesity and stay fit. You also need to abstain from smoking and drinking and manage stress.

Medication: Various medicines are prescribed for preventing blockage and controlling blood pressure. Any medication should be taken only after a doctor’s advice.

Specialist: In the case of severe chest pain and high breathlessness, you should rush to the cardiologist. Book an appointment with mfine to experience world-class treatment system to get rid of all your health disorders.

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