Vaccine FAQs
Which vaccine should I take: Covaxin or Covishield?
You can take either, as per availability. There is no difference between these vaccines, both are almost equally effective.
I have recently recovered from Covid-19, do I still need the vaccine?
Yes, we do not yet know how long you are protected after recovering from COVID-19. Get vaccinated in 6-8 weeks after the infection.
Is the Covid vaccine safe for pregnant and lactating (breastfeeding) women?
Guidelines are yet to be published for pregnant and lactating women.
How much time should we wait between the first and second dose of Covaxin/Covishield?
COVAXIN: Second dose to be taken 4 -6 weeks after the first dose COVISHIELD: Second dose to be taken after 6-8 weeks of the first dose (Even if you get slightly delayed, its not a problem)
What are the side-effects of COVID vaccine?
Fever, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, diarrhoea, pain at the injection site.
Can I take the COVID vaccine while I'm on my period?
COVID vaccine can safely be taken during periods.
I have Covid-19 Symptoms. Can i still get vaccinated?
An individual who is recovering from Covid-19, should not take the vaccine and wait for at least 4 to 8 weeks after recovery to get the jab.
Do I need to self-isolate for a week or two after taking the vaccine?
Not needed.
Can I travel after being fully vaccinated?
It is advised to travel only after 2 weeks of the second dose, but you need to continue taking all the safety precautions.
What happens if we combine two different vaccines for the two doses?
It shouldn't be harmul but we don't have enough data to suggest the same.
Vaccine: Myths v/s Facts

The COVID-19 vaccine can cause infertility in women

There is no scientific evidence to prove this claim

No need to wear a mask or follow precautions after the vaccine

Continue taking precautions like masks, sanitization & distancing.

Covid vaccine can cause a Covid-19 infection

You cannot get COVID-19 through being vaccinated.

The vaccine can alter the human DNA

None of the approved Covid vaccines can alter the human DNA.

Severe side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines are common.

Reports of serious side effects are very rare.

If you already had Covid-19, you don’t need the vaccine

Immunity from infection is shortlived and you can get re-infected.

Vaccine shouldn't be taken during periods as immunity is low

Women can take the COVID-19 vaccine during their period

The vaccine may harm people with no comorbidities

Comorbidities put you at a higher risk. Important to get vaccinated.
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