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Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


Pityriasis lichenoides chronica is a skin disease in which small, scaly and raised spots appear on the skin. It is a chronic disease and is not contagious.

It is common in males. It is rare in infants and old people. (4)

Not self-treatable
Not self-diagnosable
Lab tests or imaging are required
Long-term: persists for months to years

Caused by: The exact causes of Pityriasis lichenoides chronica are not clearly understood. Some possible causes include medications, hormone replacement therapy, overgrowth of cells of lymphatic system, reaction from infectious agents and viral infections.

It usually affects adolescents and young people who are younger than 30 years in age. This disorder is initially characterised by small and symptomless papules, which regress over weeks. It can lead to severe infections also, if not treated at a early age.


Development of papules on the skin. Papules may begin as small, pink and raised spots with scaly skin to touch
Change in the color of papules from pink to brown and eventually fading
Eventually fading and appearance of spots and rashes over weeks
Itching and irritation around the new spots

People may experience: Resemblance of papules to that of psoriasis, chicken pox or insect bites.


No treatment is certain to cure Pityriasis lichenoides chronica.
Self care:
Often, the rash will disappear, in which case, there is no need to consult a doctor. But, if the rash persists and is a nuisance, treatment is required. Steroid creams and ointments may be applied as prescribed by the doctor.

Antibiotics given for a month may help patients. Natural sunlight may prove to be helpful. Also, therapies such as phototherapy treatment with UVB or UVA using special ultraviolet light lamps also helps. Moreover, tablets with UVA may also be helpful. Severe forms of the disease are treated using immunosuppressants.

For further concern, contact a dermatologist. At mfine, you will receive a holistic treatment plan for optimum health.

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