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by Diabetologists


Fluorescein Angiography (Test for Diabetic Retinopathy)

What is Fluorescein Angiography?

To diagnose a condition that affects the blood vessels at the back of the eye due to chronic diabetes, a test called fluorescein angiography is performed. Some long term diabetes patients suffer from Diabetic Retinopathy. Fluorescein Angiography is a simple technique performed by a medical professional which involves injecting a certain fluorescent dye into the bloodstream. This dye highlights the blood vessels, hence allowing them to be photographed.

When is Fluorescein Angiography recommended?

Fluorescein Angiography is an important test as it helps to establish a diagnosis, decide suitable medication and control the ailment. Treatment by a medical professional could help but there is no cure for Diabetic Retinopathy. Fluorescein Angiography is the test performed to detect, monitor and treat eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy.

Preparing for Fluorescein Angiography

It is important to let your doctor know, if you are taking any medications or are allergic to iodine, . It is important to remember that the pupils can stay dilated for about twelve hours after the test. It can also cause the urine to be darker or orange in color.
The doctor will insert regular dilation drops in the eyes and would administer an injection into the arm which holds the fluorescein dye and take photographs of the blood vessels in the eye.

Understanding Fluorescein Angiography results

The medical specialist would share the details of your result with you after the test has been performed to detect any signs of Diabetic Retinopathy. If the eye is healthy the blood vessels in the eye would be of regular size and shape. If the eye is not healthy, the abnormalities might occur; the blood vessels might have a leak or a blockage. Further tests might be prescribed for a proper analysis of the irregularities. mfine is an authentic medical professional source founded for the sole purpose of providing objective and professional solutions and treatment options to clients.

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