Cost of Ultrasound KUB in India
What is an Ultrasound KUB?
Ultrasound KUB is a diagnostic, medical imaging technique for the abdomen. It is used for imaging and examination of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder. In male patients, this imaging technique is used to scan the prostate gland as well. It is also known as Renal Ultrasound.
Why is the Ultrasound KUB done?
- To examine the urinary bladder wall for any changes
- To examine the kidneys for changes in size or structure
- To look for stones in the kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder
- To evaluate causes of recurrent kidney infection
- To identify the cause of renal or pelvic pain
- To help confirm the placement of a transplanted kidney after surgery
- To guide kidney biopsy procedure
- To study the blood flow to and from the kidneys
Who should get the Ultrasound KUB done?
An Ultrasound KUB is carried out for men and women belonging to any age group. It can also be carried out for children, when necessary.
Your doctor will advise you to go for Ultrasound KUB if you are suffering from pain in the lower abdominal region or if you are showing other symptoms such as painful urination, blood in urine, recurrent urinary infections, and so on. In that case, you may be referred by a medical professional to undergo an Ultrasound KUB. Diseases such as urinary incontinence, kidney stones, blockage in urinary pathways, and cancer can be diagnosed with Ultrasound KUB.
Disclaimer: It is advised to always consult your doctor for interpreting the test reports.
What precautions should I take for an Ultrasound KUB test?
- Please follow the instructions suggested by your doctor.
- Inform your healthcare provider if you are on any medications or undergoing any treatment.
- Show your old reports, if any.
- Inform if you are pregnant/breast-feeding/menstruating.
What does the Ultrasound KUB measure?
An Ultrasound KUB measures the dimensions and structural changes in the kidneys, ureters and bladder by sending ultrasonic waves into those body parts. The ultrasonic waves are reflected from the organ onto a screen. Images are recorded. Apart from the dimensions, an ultrasound helps determine the cause of the symptoms experienced by an individual. The blood flow in the urinary system can be studied effectively by using color doppler, thus helping in identifying the cause of a disease.
What are the tests that are included in an Ultrasound KUB?
An Ultrasound KUB test includes assessing the renal or urinary system, which consists of the kidneys, ureters and bladder and surrounding tissues or organs. Sometimes, when indicated, the prostate gland is also visualized.
How do you prepare for an Ultrasound KUB?
- A full bladder is required, and you will need to drink a litre of water in the hour before your scan. During this period, please do not empty your bladder.
- You will be instructed to expose your abdomen, and complete privacy is provided during the test procedure.
- One must stay still unless prompted to move in a certain direction. This will allow the ultrasonic waves to pass through the tissues, forming images effectively.
What is the procedure for Ultrasound KUB?
The KUB ultrasound examination is non-invasive and painless. You will be asked to lie down on your back on the examination bed and will be requested to expose your lower abdomen, you will be accompanied by a female attendant, if you are a woman. Complete privacy will be maintained. A highly qualified and experienced sonographer will move a transducer, lubricated with warm gel, over your lower abdomen to obtain the required images. You are welcome to ask questions during your examination. You may bring someone into the examination room with you if you wish (no children, please), and a healthcare assistant will also be present, should you require support or a chaperone.
What to expect after the Ultrasound KUB is done?
As you were not supposed to empty your bladder before and during the scanning, a full bladder may prompt you first to empty it after the scan is done. You may rest for some time in the waiting area and inform the radiologist if any further discomfort is felt.
When will I get the Ultrasound KUB report?
A lot of images are captured during the scanning process. These images are processed on the scanning machine to show only the relevant images. Films are prepared to show all findings and printed through a digital printer. The process of reporting these images by a radiologist usually takes anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour. Reports are handed over on the same day.
Disclaimer: The time may vary based on your condition and the availability of the radiologist.
How will I get the Ultrasound KUB report?
Ultrasound KUB reports are handed over to patients by mail and printed hard copies are for record-keeping.
How to interpret the Ultrasound KUB report
The findings of the Ultrasound KUB scanning, both normal and pathological, are reported by a radiologist. The report must be handed over to your physician or doctor so that he/she can correlate the findings with your symptoms and disease. One must refrain from self-diagnosing and self-medicating in any case.
Is there any risk involved?
The Ultrasound KUB scanning process is completely risk-free as there is no radiation involved, as in the case of X rays or CT scan. The gel applied during the scan is harmless and does not penetrate the skin.
What equipment or instruments are used for the Ultrasound KUB test?
The equipment used for an Ultrasound KUB scanning consists of a scanner or a visualizing machine with a probe attached. The probe is designed to allow movement along the contours of the body. Ultrasound waves are directed through the probe into the body with the help of a gel that acts as a medium for passing ultrasound waves. The waves get reflected within the body against the organs detected by the scanning machine. Images are shown on the screen as black-and-white ones.
How long does an Ultrasound KUB test take?
The individual needs to keep his/her bladder full for about an hour before the procedure. The scanning usually takes between 20 and 45 minutes, depending on the number of organs screened. One needs to devote a minimum of 1-2 hours to the procedure.
How do I book the Ultrasound KUB test through MFine?
Frequently asked questions on Ultrasound KUB
Can an Ultrasound KUB be done at home?
An Ultrasound KUB requires specialized scanning machinery to view the internal organs. This machinery is present in multidisciplinary hospitals and diagnostic centers. Therefore, it cannot be performed at home.
What is the cost of an Ultrasound KUB test?
The approximate cost of an ultrasound KUB scan is between Rs. 800/- and Rs. 1000/- in India. It may vary according to the diagnostic center and the number of organs to be screened.
Can I claim insurance for an Ultrasound KUB test?
Insurance claims for diagnostic tests depend on the insurance company or provider. One must contact his or her insurance provider for claims and queries.
Is an Ultrasound KUB test painful?
- An Ultrasound KUB test is a completely non-invasive diagnostic procedure. It does not involve any needle prick or any other intervention and therefore, is a completely painless procedure.
Does an Ultrasound KUB test require fasting?
Fasting is not required for an ultrasound KUB, but some exceptional cases may require fasting depending on the organ being screened in the abdomen. Your doctor may advise you before the test if fasting is required.
I'm suspected of having kidney stones. Can an Ultrasound KUB test help confirm it?
Yes. In the majority of cases, an ultrasound can help diagnose kidney stones. An Ultrasound KUB test can visualize the kidneys, ureters and bladder. Therefore, many conditions pertaining to these organs can be diagnosed by a radiologist using ultrasound.
Can an Ultrasound KUB detect cancer?
Yes. An Ultrasound KUB test can detect cancer of the abdominal organs under study. Soft tissue masses can be defined and identified on the scanning machine. But many times ultrasound helps more as a screening tool than as a diagnostic tool. Therefore, a doctor may advise to undergo additional tests to diagnose cancers.
What does a normal Ultrasound KUB mean?
A normal Ultrasound KUB means no disease or pathology of the abdominal organs could be identified. In such cases, your physician may prescribe further tests to assess the cause of your symptoms.
What does an abnormal Ultrasound KUB mean?
Abnormal test results mean some pathology was identified by the radiologist in the kidneys, ureters or the bladder. Once received, the reports must be handed over to the treating physician for further treatment. Do not go for self-diagnosis and treatment.
Do I need to take rest after an Ultrasound KUB test?
You may carry on with your usual daily activities. If any discomfort or unusual symptoms appear, please visit your nearest emergency room or physician at the earliest.
How many Ultrasound KUB scans are required?
You may be advised to do follow-up Ultrasound KUB scans depending on the severity of symptoms and disease. Your physician or doctor may guide you further on this.
Where do I get an Ultrasound KUB scan done?
An Ultrasound KUB test is done at a specialized diagnostic center equipped with an ultrasound machine, like in a hospital or a separate diagnostic center. Locate and book an appointment at your nearest diagnostic center through the MFine app.
When will I get my Ultrasound KUB report?
The reports are generally prepared and handed over to patients or caregivers on the same day by mail or in person.
What precautions do I need to take for an Ultrasound KUB test?
- One must inform the radiologist about his or her medical history and medication status before the procedure. Any discomfort or worsening of symptoms after an Ultrasound KUB test must be reported immediately.
Is an Ultrasound KUB test necessary?
An Ultrasound KUB test is a diagnostic tool to identify pathology or disease related to your kidneys, ureter and bladder. It may help confirm the cause of your symptoms and, therefore, may prove beneficial for your doctor to provide you with appropriate treatment.
Disclaimer: The content is uniquely informative and is meant for educational use. Kindly use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified or registered healthcare provider.
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