Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass
- Diabetologist
- 11+ Years Experience
MBBSSri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka-2010,
Fellowship in DiabetologyMedvarsity-Apollo Royal College of Physicians-2013
MD PharmacologySri Devaraj Urs Medical College,Kolar, Karnataka-2016
CCEBDMDr. Mohan’s Diabetic Education Academy-2020
About Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass
Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass is a well-known diabetologist in Bangalore. She completed her MBBS from Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka in 2010. She further did his MD in Pharmacology from Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka in 2016. She even did a certificate course in evidence-based diabetes management from Dr Mohan’s Diabetic Education Academy in 2020. She also did Fellowship in Diabetology from Medvarsity Apollo Royal College of Physicians in 2013.
Professional Experience:
Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass holds an experience of 11 years in this field. She is currently associated with Royal Bangalore Hospital in Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore. Some of the services provided by her include lifestyle disorders treatment, thyroid management, hypertension treatment and diabetes management etc. The different medical conditions treated by her include fluorescein angiography, diabetes Mellitus due to underlying condition, diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance syndrome, polymyalgia rheumatic, diabetes cytopathic, diabetes dermopathy and borderline diabetes.What her patients say about her:
Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass’s patients are very happy with her services. They say that she follows an ethical approach in her evaluation and treatment methods. They are very happy that the doctor is transparent and explains to them everything about the treatment procedures. ... View moreFrequently Asked Questions
What do Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass specializes in?
What is the educational qualification of Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass ?
- MBBS from Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka-2010,
- Fellowship in Diabetology from Medvarsity-Apollo Royal College of Physicians-2013
- MD Pharmacology from Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College,Kolar, Karnataka-2016
- CCEBDM from Dr. Mohan’s Diabetic Education Academy-2020
How many years of experience of Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass has?
How can I make an appointment with Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass ?
- You can book an appointment with Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass using MFine App.
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- Select your symptoms and click on Choose Doctor Dr. Ashwitha Shruti Dass .
- You can click on consult now after checking the doctor's qualifications and experience.
- Book a doctor appointment online, and the specialist will get in touch with you.
- The chatroom appears if the doctor is available on an immediate basis.
- You can even customize the doctor's availability and choose a later slot.
- Avail online consultation and keep your medical records, prescription, and lab results on the app.
- You can even follow up with the doctor post the consultation.