Dr. Siddharth Kumar
- General Physician
- 10+ Years Experience
Consultant PhysicianDr. Siddharth Kumar's Clinic, Gurugram2021 - Present
Consultant PhysicianMeditree Polyclinic, Gurugram2006 - Present
Consultant PhysicianPhysician, Gurugram2015 - Present
ConsultantARTEMIS HOSPITAL, Gurugram2018 - Present
MBBSJawaharlal Nehru Medical College Sawangi Wardha2011
MD (General Medicine)Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Belgaum2018
Awards & Recognitions
Apicon 72Nd Annual Conference Mumbai (Poster): Cross-Sectional Study Of Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (Hscrp) In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus And Its Correlation With Glycosylated Haemoglobin (Hba1C) At Tertiary Care Center2017
Kapicon-2017 Mysuru (Platform Presentation): Enteral-Rectal Stenting In A Case Of Carcinoma Rectum: A Case Report.
Api Lifetime Member
European Alliance Of Associations For Rheumatology
About Dr. Siddharth Kumar
Frequently Asked Questions
What do Dr. Siddharth Kumar specializes in?
What is the educational qualification of Dr. Siddharth Kumar ?
- MBBS from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Sawangi Wardha
- MD (General Medicine) from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Belgaum
How many years of experience of Dr. Siddharth Kumar has?
How can I make an appointment with Dr. Siddharth Kumar ?
- You can book an appointment with Dr. Siddharth Kumar using MFine App.
- Login to MFine
- Click on "Consult Doctor Online" on the home page.
- Select your symptoms and click on Choose Doctor Dr. Siddharth Kumar .
- You can click on consult now after checking the doctor's qualifications and experience.
- Book a doctor appointment online, and the specialist will get in touch with you.
- The chatroom appears if the doctor is available on an immediate basis.
- You can even customize the doctor's availability and choose a later slot.
- Avail online consultation and keep your medical records, prescription, and lab results on the app.
- You can even follow up with the doctor post the consultation.