Dr. Y Pallavi
- Children's Specialist
- 8+ Years Experience
Vaccination/ Immunization
Child Development Disease Treatment
Paediatrics - Ortho
Congenital Disorders Evaluation / Treatment
Congenital diseases
Tonsillitis Treatment
Children's Health
Disorders of Puberty
Williams Syndrome
Infectious Disease Treatment
Paediatric Critical Care
ENT Checkup (General)
Fever Treatment
Newborn Jaundice
Neonatal Nursing
Childhood Infections
Paediatrics - Chest
New Born Care
Allergy Testing
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescence
Diabetes in Children
Nutritional Assessment
Diet For Kids
Limping child
Infant & Child nutrition
Thyroid Disease in Children
Growth & Development Evaluation / Management
MBBSDr NTR university of Health Sciences2009
Diploma in Child Health (DCH)Osmania Medical College , Dr NTR University, Vijayawada2013
DNB (Paediatrics )Ranibow Childrens Hospital2015
Indian Academy of Paediatrics
Frequently Asked Questions
What do Dr. Y Pallavi specializes in?
What is the educational qualification of Dr. Y Pallavi ?
- MBBS from Dr NTR university of Health Sciences
- Diploma in Child Health (DCH) from Osmania Medical College , Dr NTR University, Vijayawada
- DNB (Paediatrics ) from Ranibow Childrens Hospital
What are the most common services/ treatments provided by Dr. Y Pallavi ?
- Vaccination/ Immunization
- Child Development Disease Treatment
- Paediatrics - Ortho
- Congenital Disorders Evaluation / Treatment
- Congenital diseases
- Tonsillitis Treatment
- Children's Health
- Disorders of Puberty
- Williams Syndrome
- Infectious Disease Treatment
- Paediatric Critical Care
- ENT Checkup (General)
- Fever Treatment
- Newborn Jaundice
- Neonatal Nursing
- Childhood Infections
- Paediatrics - Chest
- New Born Care
- Allergy Testing
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescence
- Diabetes in Children
- Nutritional Assessment
- Diet For Kids
- Limping child
- Infant & Child nutrition
- Thyroid Disease in Children
- Growth & Development Evaluation / Management
How many years of experience of Dr. Y Pallavi has?
How can I make an appointment with Dr. Y Pallavi ?
- You can book an appointment with Dr. Y Pallavi using MFine App.
- Login to MFine
- Click on "Consult Doctor Online" on the home page.
- Select your symptoms and click on Choose Doctor Dr. Y Pallavi .
- You can click on consult now after checking the doctor's qualifications and experience.
- Book a doctor appointment online, and the specialist will get in touch with you.
- The chatroom appears if the doctor is available on an immediate basis.
- You can even customize the doctor's availability and choose a later slot.
- Avail online consultation and keep your medical records, prescription, and lab results on the app.
- You can even follow up with the doctor post the consultation.