Available on MFine
Ms. Firdaus Shaikh
- Physiotherapist
- 9+ Years Experience
Medical Registration
B.P.TTerna Physiotherapy College, 2011
M.P.TNair hospital and medical college, 2014
Frequently Asked Questions
What do Ms. Firdaus Shaikh specializes in?
Ms. Firdaus Shaikh specializes as a Physiotherapist
What is the educational qualification of Ms. Firdaus Shaikh ?
Ms. Firdaus Shaikh has the following educational qualification,
- B.P.T from Terna Physiotherapy College, 2011
- M.P.T from Nair hospital and medical college, 2014
How many years of experience of Ms. Firdaus Shaikh has?
Ms. Firdaus Shaikh has 9+ Years of experience.
How can I make an appointment with Ms. Firdaus Shaikh ?
- You can book an appointment with Ms. Firdaus Shaikh using MFine App.
- Login to MFine
- Click on "Consult Doctor Online" on the home page.
- Select your symptoms and click on Choose Doctor Ms. Firdaus Shaikh .
- You can click on consult now after checking the doctor's qualifications and experience.
- Book a doctor appointment online, and the specialist will get in touch with you.
- The chatroom appears if the doctor is available on an immediate basis.
- You can even customize the doctor's availability and choose a later slot.
- Avail online consultation and keep your medical records, prescription, and lab results on the app.
- You can even follow up with the doctor post the consultation.
When is Ms. Firdaus Shaikh available for online consultation?
For an immediate consultation with Ms. Firdaus Shaikh , you can book the appointment by just clicking on the Consult Now button and proceed by having a conversation with the doctor.
About Ms. Firdaus Shaikh
Dr Shaikh, is a skilled and passionate physiotherapist with an overall experience of 9 years specifically in the sub field of orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries. She further specializes in Sports taping, dry needling and manual therapy along with being a certified Pilates reformer trainer. Having studied and serviced at a government hospital like Nair hospital for 3 years has not only given her tremendous patient exposure but has also helped her deal with difficult cases very early in her career. Her forte lies in detailed functional assessment along with evidence backed approach to rehabilitation. She believes in enabling her patient ge... View more