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Ambiguous Genitalia

A Basic Guide to Ambiguous Genitalia


A birth defect of the sex organs which make it unclear whether an affected newborn is a girl or a boy.

It is witnessed once in every 4,500 births. [1]

- Easily diagnosed
- Genetic Disorder; treatments available
- Undetectable by prenatal tests
- Ultrasound, endoscopy, abdominal x-ray important for drafting a treatment

Ambiguous Genitalia is a genetic disorder caused due to erratic development of gonads. The genitals of the patient may be incompletely developed or might be showing the characteristics of both sexes.


Diagnosable: The disorder can be diagnosed at birth itself, by looking at the newborn's genitals.

Symptoms in a genetically female baby:
Huge clitoris resembling a penis
Closed Labia
Lumps resembling testes in the fused labia

Symptoms in a genetically male baby:
Absence of testicles
Abnormally small penis present closer to urethral opening


This condition entails a difficult time for both parents and the child. Enrolling the child to an experienced mental health professional is beneficial. Participation of the child in a support group also helps.

Hormonal medicines may work in curing the same.

Surgery can be utilised to either create new genitals, or to preserve sexual function. Vaginoplasty, clitoroplasty in females and gonadectomy in males are some examples.
At mfine, you will receive a suitable treatment plan for optimum health.

14+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DNB (Endo)


 Speaks: English, हिन्दी, ಕನ್ನಡ

19+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Endocrinolo...


 Speaks: ಕನ್ನಡ, English, हिन्दी, తెలుగు

14+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DNB (Endocrinol...


 Speaks: ಕನ್ನಡ, English, हिन्दी, తెలుగు

9+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Endocrinolo...


 Speaks: తెలుగు, English, हिन्दी

14+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Endocrinolo...


 Speaks: English, हिन्दी, తెలుగు

16+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Int Med), DM (Endocrinolo...


 Speaks: తెలుగు, English, हिन्दी

7+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Med), CCEBDM, Diploma in ...


 Speaks: English, हिन्दी, मराठी

12+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBD, MD (Gen Med), DM (Endochrinol...


 Speaks: मराठी, English, हिन्दी

20+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Endocrinolo...


 Speaks: বাংলা, English, हिन्दी

8+ Years exp ₹999 ₹399

MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Endocrinolo...


 Speaks: English, हिन्दी

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