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Growth Spurts: What to do


Growth spurt refers to a sudden and rapid increase in weight and height.

It is in the first year of life and around puberty that growth spurts are most visible. In both periods there is a tremendous amount of growth taking place in a short time. But growth spurts can occur other times, too, though they're less obvious.
The first few days at home are the common times for growth spurt. Growth spurts are common during 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months.

During these days, the baby grows in length, gains weight and there is increase in their head circumference. There may also be an improvement in their development and mental skills Development spurts such as rolling and smiling ever so often may happen around the same time as growth spurts.


- The child may eat more than usual in a single sitting and seem hungrier than usual.
- The child may sleep for longer at night and take more naps.
- The child may also be crankier than usual.
- The child may be clingier than usual.


The above symptoms show that the baby is going through a growth spurt and they are just growing. However, it is advisable to talk to a doctor and your doctor will track her growth (measuring length, head circumference, and weight) at each wellness visit. The doctor will counsel you throughout the period. At mfine appropriate counseling can be provided for the same.

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