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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists


Have Crohn's disease? Learn how to treat it.


It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It can affect anywhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract from the mouth to anus.

In America about 780,00 people have Crohn’s disease. [1]
- Blood test required
- Imaging tests like CT scan and MRI scan required
- Endoscopy may be required

The severity of the disease can possibly be mild to debilitating. The symptoms for the disease vary and change over time. The exact cause of the disease is yet not known, but there can be many factors that may influence the disease such as the immune system, genetics, and the environment of the individual. Certain things can affect the severity of the symptoms such as, whether the individual smokes, his age, whether rectum was involved or not and length of the time of the disease.


- Abdominal cramps
- Blood in stool
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Frequent need of a bowel movement
- Feeling bowel not empty after a bowel movement
- Weight loss


- Some people with Crohn's disease need high fiber and high protein diet. But for some, high fiber and high protein diet might aggravate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These patients may need to switch to low-residue diet.
- Limit fat intake
- Drink plenty of water. Crohn's disease affects the body's ability to absorb water, and it could lead to dehydration

The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and biologics.

If lifestyle changes do not help the patient, then the specialist might recommend surgery. Contact mfine to get profound treatment and to get a healthy body as soon as possible.

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