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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists


Gastro Colic Reflux: All You Need to Know


Recurrent abdominal bowel function and discomfort occurs after eating.

Affects one in five people and occurs especially in women and more when emotionally stressed. (1)

- Common in infants, but a condition for adults.
- Seen in men and women both
- Chronic and can be treated with self-management
- A natural thing that often exaggerates due to overeating
- Not a disease but an abdominal disorder

Exaggerated gastrocolic reflux is not exactly a disease, but rather a condition where an individual requires to visit a washroom immediately after eating. This is natural but can be severe if persists for long. It is curable by self-diagnosis or by taking some common medicines. It is cured straight after a bowel movement.

Ages affected- in late adolescence- normal - in infants- rarely - after 50s


Symptoms include pain, diarrhea, cramping, and constipation, all of which are the causes that require physician’s checkup.

People may experience

Weight- Unexplained loss of weight
Diarrhea- Diarrhea at any time even in sleep
Bleeding- Rectal bleeding
Vomiting- Unexplained nausea or vomiting
Stomach pain- Stomach ache persistent even after a bowel movement or passing gas


Self-care: Avoid high quantity of wheat intake, dairy, citrus fruits, and high fiber foods such as cabbage or beans. Exercise, take fluids, and limit caffeine intake.

Medications: For Exaggerated gastrocolic reflux, dietary changes, calcium supplements, methylcellulose or psyllium can be taken to regulate bowel movement.

Specialists: For persisting conditions, consult a physician or gastroenterologist. At mfine we are here to provide help for different problems related to health, come and get holistic treatment.

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