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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists


Gastro-esophageal reflux disease: Symptoms and treatment


GERD is an acid reflux disorder that makes the stomach acid flow back to the esophagus.

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects around 20% of the population and it is often related to heartburn. [1]

- Can be self-diagnosed
- Treatment options available
- Imaging like endoscopy and tests may be required
- May resolve within months if treated at the earlier stage

Gastro-esophageal reflux is a common reflux problem affecting elders. It affects people at different stages of their life and is a kind of digestive disorder. Sometimes pregnant women may suffer from this problem.


Self-diagnosable – Usually if acid reflux reoccurs every few days then it is a sign of this disease.
Doctors may opt for an upper endoscopy if required
Burning sensation in the chest right after taking food
Excessive acidity on a regular basis with chest pain
Feeling of obstruction in the throat
Insomnia in some cases


Self-care: Lifestyle changes like healthy eating habits can treat the condition. Also, special care has to be taken for the choice of food.

Medicines: Over-the-counter medicines like antacids and anti-heat-burn liquids may be taken.
Doctors may prescribe special medicines for severe cases.
Surgery is often used as the last resort when everything else fails.

Specialists: Acid reflux is a common problem but in case of daily occurrence kindly consult a specialist. At mfine you can come across specialized healthcare under one roof.

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