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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists


Liver Diseases: Causes, symptoms, and treatments


Liver diseases caused by hepatitis viruses are classified as hepatic diseases. These diseases lead to the inflammation of the liver, reducing its functionality.
- Approximately 400 million people around the world are currently suffering from some form of chronic hepatitis. [1]
- Requires medical diagnosis
- Is treatable by a medical professional or by vaccine, depending upon the type of hepatitis virus
- Often requires lab-testing and/or imagery
- Hepatitis A is a short-term disease that gets treated within days to weeks
- Damage to the liver over a period of time can lead to cirrhosis of the lever that leads to liver failure. Liver failure is a life-threatening health condition.


- Hepatic diseases are not self-diagnosable, but one can check for symptoms as they start appearing in a matter of weeks to a few months from infection. However, symptoms of Hepatitis C appear years after infection so detection at an early stage is only possible through medical diagnosis. Symptoms of hepatic diseases are:

- Jaundice
- Dark-colored urine
- Bleeding easily
- Fatigue
- Poor appetite
- Sudden weight loss
- Swelling in your legs


To avoid serious health complications from hepatic diseases, one should consider making lifestyle changes such as putting a stop to drinking alcohol and excess and/or underweight.

Certain antiviral medications can help fight a chronic Hepatitis B infection.

In case of an infection due to hepatitis viruses, it is essential to consult your doctor for understanding the severity of the condition. If the condition is severe, liver transplant might be required.
For any further queries on hepatic disease or other diseases, visit www.mfine.co and consult a doctor in less than 60 seconds.

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