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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists
What Do You Know About Hyperacidity?
Condition in which excessive acids are secreted in the stomach.
Hyperacidity is often reflective of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, or gallbladder disease. #1
- Treatable by medical professionals
- Medical diagnosis is required
- Lab tests and imaging are rarely required
- Short term: can improve within some weeks
Prolonged medication, alcohol, smoking, ageing, fasting, pregnancy, obesity, stress and spicy, oily or fried foods are some of the causes of hyperacidity, also called dyspepsia. Physical exam, X-ray or endoscopy are part of diagnosis to identify the underlying condition. The condition is extremely common and can be prevented by less intake of foods that cause hyperacidity
People may experience
Burning sensations and pain
Pain and burning areas: Stomach, upper abdomen, oesophagus
Bloating: Feeling full during meals
Belching and gas: Gets excessive
Growling stomach: or gnawing sensation
Acidic test
Nausea and vomiting
Heartburn: In some cases
Self care: Avoid eating oily, fried or spicy foods, eating hastily and long gaps between meals. Drink lots of water and preferably warm. Exercise. Intake of unripe mango, milk, honey and groundnuts also helps. Stop smoking and manage stress with yoga, or other therapies.
Medications: Over-the-counter antacids reduce stomach acids but may have some side-effects. In such cases, proton pump inhibitors are prescribe and prokinetics for improved stomach muscle action.
Specialists: Should be sought if the pain worsens, or there is weight loss, excess vomit like coffee grounds or blood in vomit. mfine brings you renowned experts to choose from and connect instantly; tell us your symptoms and we do the cure and care.
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