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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists


Inflammatory bowel disorder – Know about the disease


Inflammatory bowel disease refers to an umbrella term which describes all disorders due to chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. The two most common types of inflammatory bowel diseases are Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis.

The population suffering from IBD is the among highest in India. [4]

· Equally prevalent in men and women
· Lab tests, imaging techniques, and endoscopic procedures are required
· Long-term condition

The ulcerative colitis causes long-lasting inflammation in the innermost lining of the large intestine and rectum. The Crohn’s disease is the inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract which spreads into the affected tissues.

The following conditions are more likely to put you at risk of developing inflammatory bowel disorder:
· Family history
· Cigarette smoking
· Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
· High fat and refined food

Ages affected: This condition affects males and females equally between 15 to 35 years of age.


The common symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease are:
· Diarrhea
· Fever and fatigue
· Abdominal pain and cramping
· Blood in the stool
· Reduced appetite
· Unintentional weight loss


Changes in diet and lifestyle can greatly help to control the symptoms. These include:
1. Diet changes like limiting dairy food intake, low-fat food consumption and avoiding spicy food
2. Eating small meals
3. Drinking plenty of liquids throughout the day

For long term remission the following course of treatment is usually recommended by doctors:
· Anti-inflammatory medications
· Immune system suppressors
· Antibiotics
· Anti-diarrhea medication
· Pain relieving medication
· Iron, calcium and Vitamin D supplements
· Surgery as a last resort

A consultation with a gastroenterologist is recommended to get the best line of treatment to cure IBD. We, at mfine, have a team of specialist doctors to help you get quick and accurate treatment for all health problems.

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