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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists


Intestinal Colic: Complete Info-Guide


Obtrusions in the intestines not allowing the bolus of food to pass through.

Oranges, persimmons and dried fruits are mostly responsible for obstructive episodes, but a large number of foods can be attributed for different patients. #1

- Treatable by medical professionals
- Medical diagnosis is required
- Lab tests and imaging are often done
- Recurring: can recur in days, weeks or years after initial episode

The cramps may originate in small or large intestine. The cause of intestinal colic could also be impacted faces, formation of scar tissues or infected diverticula or Crohn's disease. Partial gastrectomy increases the risk of having intestinal colic. Keeping yourself hydrated can prevent intestinal colics.

People affected: Both babies an adults, but with different causes


There are sharp symptoms, hard to avoid.

People may experience
Pain: Very sharp, in the abdomen
Affected bowel: High-pitched sounds, difficulty in bowel movements, or passing gas
Appetite: Much reduced
Abdominal distension


Self-care: Eat fibre rich foods, but if you’ve had gastrectomy, avoid them. Stay hydrated. Avoid fatty foods and lose weight if you’re obese.

Medications: Anti-inflammatory pain relievers can only help in reducing pain temporarily.

Specialists: Depending on severity of inflammation and location of stones and gallbladder, drugs or shock-wave therapy may be used by your surgeon. Gallbladder might required to be removed surgically. mfine strives to bring best healthcare services to you from around the country; choose from the best doctors by engaging with us.

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