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Cases done
by Gastroenterologists


What is Obstetric Cholestasis? All That You Need to Know


An uncommon condition during pregnancy which affects the liver in your body.

Affects one in 140 pregnant mothers in the UK. More prevalent in Indian-Asian or Pakistani-Asian origin mothers. [1]

- Needs medical treatment and diagnosis
- Common in last trimester of pregnancy
- Treatment available
- Doctors may recommend early delivery in some cases
- A common condition in Asian ethnicities

A condition of severe itching in the late trimester of pregnancy. A common cause is the underlying liver condition which happens during the period of pregnancy. In this situation, due to a rise in pregnancy hormones, the normal flow of bile is affected.

Ages affected Pregnant mothers are diagnosed with the condition


Self diagnosable
Severe and intense itching during the last trimester of pregnancy should be reported to your doctor immediately. To explain the cause, liver function tests may be done by a doctor.

People may experience

Itching severe itching in palms of hands and soles of feet
Urine dark colored urine
Jaundice yellowing of the skin and whitish eyes with jaundice in some cases


Self-Care: Vitamin tablets may be recommended. Proper care is required during the condition.

Medications: As the situation permits, the doctor may advise to do blood tests and understand the cause. An ultrasound scan may also be advised in some cases. If the situation is severe, early delivery may also be recommended to avoid fetal death.

Specialists: In case of above-mentioned symptoms, contact your healthcare provider. We at mfine are here to help you with your requirements through our total health program.

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