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General Physicians

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by General Physicians



Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. The swelling obstructs the airway thereby causing cough and making breathing more difficult. Mucus can also be produced in the process that further blocks the airway.

Anyone having allergies to certain allergens can suffer from Allergic Bronchitis. However, 18% of male and 14% of female smokers are affected by this disease.[1]

Allergic Bronchitis:
- Is treatable by a medical professional
- Requires a medical diagnosis
- Requires lab tests or imaging
- Can last for years or lifelong

Depending upon the cause, Bronchitis can further be classified as either allergic, nonallergic, or asthmatic. Allergic Bronchitis can be caused due to an allergen or something that a person is allergic to. It can be pollen, dust, mold, other air pollutants, and also smoking cigarette. The symptoms can last long or may be recurring depending upon the exposure to the allergens.


The most common symptoms of Allergic Bronchitis are:
- Mucus filled cough
- Cough lasting for many weeks or months
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness
- Fatigue


Self-care: Quit smoking and consumption of Tobacco. Also, avoid an environment that aggravates the presence of allergies. Wearing a mask to avoid allergens can be helpful. In addition to this, one may use a humidifier at home, drink enough fluids to keep the mucus thin. Salt-water gargling can also help relieving a sore throat.
Medication: The doctors may first check medical history and then do a chest X-Ray with sputum test. After which, they may prescribe medications like Bronchodilators, Steroids, Mucolytics, Oxygen Therapy, Humidifier, Pulmonary rehabilitation, and certain vaccines.
Specialists: For other severe kinds, consult a physician at the earliest. We at mfine can help you with various fields of health issues. You can get in touch with us onboard for a holistic treatment program.

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