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Carbohydrate Intolerance: Everything You Need To Know


Carbohydrate intolerance is the inability of the small intestine to process the carbohydrates into a source of energy to the body.

The sugar lactose, which makes up 2-8% of milk, is also considered a carbohydrate. [1]

- Not self-diagnosable
- Requires image and lab testing for diagnosis
- Can happen to men, women, and children

Carbohydrate intolerance happens when the enzymes that are needed to metabolize carbohydrates are not abundant. Therefore, people detected with carbohydrate intolerance find it difficult to digest some or all carbs, especially in bread, pasta, and fruits. Also, lactose intolerance is the type of carbohydrate intolerance. Enzyme deficiency can be hereditary (this is rare), acquired (primary), or secondary.

Ages Affected: Can happen to people of any age group.


- Belly bloating after a meal (especially of sweet, starchy foods)
- Upper GI pain
- Excessive flatulence
- Constant hunger
- Inability to concentrate
- Chronic fatigue
- Weak legs and knees after eating
- Frequent yeast infections


Self-Care: You might be asked to maintain a healthy diet and avoid food items that cause digestive problems.
Medications: Your doctor might prescribe you with digestive enzyme supplements and probiotics to reduce the digestive discomfort associated with carbohydrate malabsorption.
Specialists: At mfine, you can come on board and get in touch with one of the best doctors for proper guidance and treat yourself with a holistic treatment program.

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