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Lymphoedema Right Leg

Lymphoedema Right Leg-What you need to know


Lymphedema, also known as lymphatic obstruction is the swelling that occurs in one leg or arm. It can, however, affect both as well.

Lymphoedema affects approximately 140 to 250 million people around the world.(1)

- Occurs in people aged more than 40
- Treatment can help, but it cannot be cured
- Requires a medical diagnosis
- Laboratory tests of imaging may or may not be required
- It can last for years or be lifelong

The cause of lymphedema is because of blockage in the lymphatic system, part of the immune and circulatory systems. This blockage prevents the lymph fluid from draining well, and the fluid build-up leads to swelling.


The most common symptoms of lymphedema are as follows:
- Swelling of a part or all of the arms and legs including fingers and toes
- Heaviness or tightness
- Aching and discomfort
- Fibrosis i.e., hardening or thickening of the skin
- Recurring infections

The swelling caused by Lymphedema can range from mild to extreme with varying changes in the size of the leg or making it hard to use.


Self-care: There is no permanent cure for lymphedema, but it can be taken care of by avoiding tight clothing, keeping legs clean, and not walking barefoot. In addition, elevating the leg to the level of the heart can also be implemented to reduce the pain.

Treatment: The doctor may recommend certain light exercises, or bandaging the entire leg to make the lymphatic fluid flow again, massaging, using pneumatic compression or complete decongestive therapy with some lifestyle changes depending upon the intensity of the pain. Medications may include benzopyrones, which help to remove excess proteins and associated fluids from tissues.

Specialists: For other severe kinds, consult a physician at the earliest. We at mfine can help you with various fields of health issues. You can get in touch with us onboard for a holistic treatment program.

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