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Understanding Everything About Mild Intermittent Asthma


Intermittent Asthma is when you experience episodes twice a week or less.

Approximately 1 in 10 patients with mild asthma will progress to more unstable and severe disease. (1)

1. Medical diagnosis Required
2. Chronic - may last for a lifetime
3. Medical intervention may help manage the symptoms

Asthma is a lung disorder which causes the airways in the lung to become inflamed, narrow and swell causing accumulation of mucus. This makes breathing difficult for an affected person. It is triggered by different causes including drugs, allergens and food, pollutants, cold and flu, stress and extreme weather conditions.


1. Coughing
2. Shortness of Breath
3. Tightness in the Chest
4. Wheezing, when you breathe


An asthma action plan helps you understand your frequency, triggers, and intensity. It can help you recognize the early warning signs of an attack. Avoiding triggers and timely intervention can help you deal with an attack.

There is no cure for asthma. However, it can be managed and help you lead a normal life.
A quick treatment method is generally advised which advocates the use of bronchodilators, like an albuterol inhaler.

Specialists: Consult a doctor if the symptoms are evident and the condition worsens. At mfine, we provide accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment plans for all health concerns under a team of qualified doctors.

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