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What is Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome? All That One Needs to Know


The condition of tiredness and exhaustion that accompanies after one has been sick with a viral infection

Prevalent among 20% of the entire world’s population

- Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and massages are highly recommended
- May need pain relievers
- Can affect both men and women, more prevalent among women
- Attacks individuals who are unable to recover quickly after viral infections or flu

Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome attacks persons who have been sick for weeks or months. May be either in a mild form or appears to be persistent and relapsing without a cause. Can be in the form of epidemic disease or sporadic form. Recovery may be slow and depends on emotional stability.

Ages affected - Prevalent mostly among young adults.


Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome occurs due to viral infection. The viruses may include rubella, Ross River virus, West Nile virus, and others. Symptoms including a sore throat, headache, mild fever, joint pains, and memory problems should be reported to the doctor.

People may experience
Headache - mild to a severe headache
Fever - mild to severe fever
Memory issues - may face issues of concentration
Pain - joint and muscle pains


Self-care: Reducing daily activities, taking enough rest, and exercising for relieving stress and mental happiness such as yoga.

Medications: Blood and urine tests may give a clue to the source of fatigue. Doctors may advise pain relief medicines to overcome stress and pain.

Specialists: If any abovementioned symptoms persist, contact the physician. At mfine, we provide a complete health checkup and treatment for all the issues.

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