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Cases done
by Gynecologists


Absent, Scanty Or Rare Menstruation: All You Need To Know About It


If you have big changes in your menstrual cycle, it is time to consult your healthcare provider.

Every woman may face scanty or missed periods at some point in their lives but it
does not always imply an underlying medical condition.

  • Scanty or infrequent menstruation can be caused by lifestyle factors like:
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Inadequate rest

If you stop menstruating after a regular menstrual cycle, or if you do not start your periods by the age of 16, it is a sign of a medical condition which needs to be treated at the earliest.

Menstruation is a normal monthly cycle in every woman's life after puberty, and continues until menopause which happens over 50.

Ages affected – Females aged 15 to 51 years are most affected by the condition.


If the following symptoms are present, they indicate a menstrual cycle problem known as Amenorrhea and this requires a visit to your OBGYN.

  • Women who have missed their menstrual periods for three months in a row
  • Girls haven’t begun their periods till the age of 15
  • Milky white discharge from nipples
  • Excess facial hair
  • Headache
  • Hair loss
  • Acne

Amenorrhea (Missed/scanty periods) is normal in the case of the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Menopause


Strike a balance between adequate exercise, recreation and rest. Consume a well-balanced meal and lead a stress free life.

The treatment depends on the underlying cause of Amenorrhea. Contraceptive pills, thyroid
medications and hormonal therapies are usually the course of treatment adopted in such cases.

Specialists: For detailed diagnosis and treatment, consult a gynecologist.
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