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Everything you need to know about Secondary and postpartum haemorrhage.
Postpartum hemorrhage is a condition faced during childbirth. After delivering the placenta, the uterine wall starts contracting to reduce the bleeding, if the uterus fails to do, so hemorrhage occurs.
5% of women experience secondary and postpartum hemorrhage while having a cesarean birth.[1]
- Happens to women of age above 35.
- Required surgery as well as medical diagnosis.
- Occurs due to delayed contraction of the uterus.
- Multiple pregnancies can cause this illness.
- Imaging always required.
Conceiving in older age is also one of the major reasons for overdistention uterus secondary and postpartum hemorrhage to occur. After delivering the placenta, the uterus is supposed to contract and become tight to stop the bleeding, but at certain times the uterus fails to do mainly during a cesarean birth and a lot of blood is lost, and hence hemorrhage happens which is a life-threatening situation for women.
Ages affected- above the age of 35 years mainly.
Self-diagnosable: Unstoppable labor pain, excessive vaginal bleeding
People may experience-
1. Excessive labor pain during delivery.
2. An immense amount of bleeding due to failed uterine contraction.
3. Decreased blood pressure.
4. Increased heart rate.
5. Tremendous pain in the vaginal area.
Self-care: This is a critical health complication where self-care cannot cure it.
Medications: Surgery is vital to stop this complication along with providing blood externally and IV fluids as well.
Specialists: Always visit a gynecologist to help you out with this complication. To know more about various health issues connect with mfine now!
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