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What is Endometrial Biopsy?

What is Endometrial Biopsy?

Endometrial biopsy are the tests that are carried out on the lining of the uterus. In this test, a small sample is extracted from the lining of the uterus and studied in laboratories to determine the consistency of abnormal tissues. Also, it can help doctors to study the changes in hormone levels affecting the uterus. It also helps in preventing the onset of any kind of uterine infections through an early diagnosis.

When is Endometrial Biopsy recommended?

Tissue sampling is done whenever the condition deemed to be critical and needs a deeper insight on the infection. Few of the major reasons for endometrial biopsy are given below:

- Understanding the reason behind postmenopausal bleeding or abnormal uterine bleeding.
- Diagnosing for endometrial cancer.
- Check the fertility.
- Checking the effect of hormone therapy on an individual.

Preparing for an Endometrial Biopsy

Usually, there are a lot of tests that are carried out before the biopsy is done. Your doctor will most likely take records of all your abnormal menopause reports from a particular interval of time. Also, there are medications giving in order to help the body relax for a couple of days and keep the body free of toxins. If you are pregnant, then there are higher chances of miscarriage to occur. Hence, it is necessary to let the doctor know.

Understanding Endometrial Biopsy Results

After the biopsy is carried out, the tests can take somewhere around 2-3 days for the results to be delivered. If the biopsy is normal, then there are no abnormal cells or cancerous growth in the uterus.

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