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Menstrual Discomfort: Overview, Symptoms, and Treatment
Cramps and throbbing pain in lower abdomen during or before menstrual periods.
Some pain during periods is normal, but it is not, if it is too excessive, intervening in everyday activities. (1)
- Treatable by medical professionals
- Diagnosis often required
- Laboratory tests and imaging are rarely required
- Short-term: Gets better in a few days, (though recurs with periods)
Cramps lessen with age or after giving birth. There are many causes for excessive menstrual discomfort and cramps, including endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or cervical stenosis. Treatments and surgeries vary with respect to the cause.
The symptoms start from a few days before period, intensify with the onset and subdue after 2-3 days.
Women experience
Cramps: Intense throbbing pain in lower abdomen
Other pain areas: Lower back or thighs
Ache: Dull, continuous
Headache: With dizziness or nausea
Other symptoms: Loose stools
Self-care: Exercise, take dietary supplements such as vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-1 (thiamin), vitamin B6 and magnesium, reduce stress, or use heating pads or hot water bottle over lower abdomen.
Medications: Over-the-counter pain-relievers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain.
Specialists: If the doctor finds the cause of cramps to be fibroids or endometriosis, they may suggest you surgical treatment. mfine specializes in gynecology and provides trouble-free treatment with unlimited follow-ups; contact us to let us support you in times of need.
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