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Want to know why you may bleed after sex? The answer is here


Vaginal bleeding that women experience within 24 hours after having sex

Approximately 30% of women who bleed during sex also have other episodes of abnormal bleeding outside of their regular monthly period. [1]

- Is self-diagnosable
- Is self-treatable or can be treated by a medical professional
- May require lab tests or imaging
- Short-term: lasts for a small period of time

Postcoital bleeding is not related to the menstrual cycle in any manner. It is experienced by women often after sex when vaginal penetration is involved. Though it is usual and common, especially in case of unexpected sex, postcoital bleeding can also be a sign of cervical cancer or vaginal cancer. Apart from sex, it can also be caused due to issues like cervical polyps, vaginal thrush, or even the use of contraceptive pills.

Ages affected: Women, usually adolescents and adults


Symptoms include vaginal and/or cervical bleeding,

People may experience:
Dryness: Accompanied by vaginal itching or burning
Pain areas: Uncommon abdominal pain or lower back pain
Also common: Unusual vaginal discharge, nausea, or vomiting


Self-care: if you experience dryness, you can use vaginal moisturizers, that help restore the moisture if regularly applied. Vaginal lubricants help in case of reducing uncomfortable friction during sex.
Medication: Antibiotics can be used in case of infections as prescribed by the doctor.

Specialists: For therapy or surgery, consult a specialist. At mfine, we partner with the best hospitals and specialists to provide holistic quality treatments.

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