Anti-Mullerian Hormone Test
Abhishtita MudunuriLast Updated on 18th January 2022What is the AMH test used for?
AMH is a good predictor of response to fertility medications. If one suffers from infertility but is undergoing a treatment that involves using fertility injections for fertility preservation. In that case, AMH is a powerful predictor of how the body will respond to fertility medications.
AMH test also helps:
- Measure ovarian function and female fertility (ovarian reserve of eggs) in adult women.
- Make diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Check infants whose genitals are not clearly identified as male or female
- Monitor the efficiency of treatment for certain ovarian cancers.
- Determine the effectiveness of assisted reproductive techniques, such as IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation).Diagnose the reason for early menopause
What is included in the AMH test?
AMH cannot determine how quickly one’s fertility will decline. AMH only gives a snapshot of where the ovarian reserve is right now. However, if one is young and the AMH level is low, there might be a possibility of going through an early age menopause.
Procedure for AMH test
A phlebotomist will draw a blood sample using a needle in order to test the blood. Inform the technician if the sight of needles causes you discomfort. He or she may be able to put you at ease.
The sample is usually collected from a vein in your arm. You will either be sitting or lying down. It is possible that you will be asked to make a fist. A rubber band will be wrapped over your arm by the technician.
When the technician spots a vein, they will clean the region before inserting the needle. Then the blood sample is sent to a lab for getting tested.
How to prepare for the AMH test?
There is no need to prepare for the AMH blood test. No need for fasting. Unlike other fertility blood tests, the AMH test may be done on any day of a woman’s cycle, and even if one is on birth control pills .
What types of disorders can AMH test detect?
AMH tests evaluate women’s ovarian function and fertility problems, especially if assisted reproduction methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) are being considered.
A doctor orders AMH test when he wants to know if a woman has reached menopause or has signs and symptoms of PCOS, or is considering conception. Some other reasons include:
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Absence of menstrual cycle (amenorrhea)
- Decreased breast size
- Enlarged ovaries
- Obesity and weight gain with irregular menstrual cycles
AMH may be obtained on a regular basis for a woman with AMH-producing ovarian cancer to monitor therapy efficacy and for recurrence.
How much does the AMH test cost?
The cost of an AMH test is determined by testing facilities, quality, convenience, and other factors. Different laboratories may charge different fees. An AMH level blood test is generally priced between 1000 and 2000 rupees in India.
Disclaimer: The value varies based on location, time, and your preferred lab partner.
How long does it take to get the results for the AMH test?
You can expect to get the results for the AMH test within 24 to 48 hours after the sample is collected. However, in certain cases, depending on the location, medical advice, and preferred lab partner, it may take longer.
What do abnormal AMH test results indicate?
If you are a woman trying to conceive, your results might help you determine your odds of success in getting pregnant. It can also help you determine when to try for a baby. A high level of AMH may indicate that your chances are greater and that you have more time before trying to get pregnant.
However, like women with PCOS, they can respond very vigorously to medications and produce lots of eggs; they are at greater risk for developing a problem called hyperstimulation syndrome. These women should use a lower dose of their medication.
Women with low AMH don’t respond as well; they require more aggressive treatment protocols and higher doses of medications but still end up with lower numbers of eggs and more cycles that get canceled for poor response.
AMH levels can fluctuate compared to other tests for ovarian reserve like the hormone FSH. There is a lot less variability in AMH levels, but there are some AMH levels that will vary a little depending on where you’re at in your menstrual cycle and whether you are currently taking birth control pills.
Disclaimer: Please consult with your doctor for interpreting the test reports.
Is the AMH test a definitive test?
Fertility hormone testing can assist you in determining your ovarian reserve–where you stand in terms of egg count. FSH, E2, and AMH are three important hormones that might indicate ovarian reserve.
AMH provides you with knowledge and control over your ovarian reserve. Even better than FSH, since it detects ovarian changes earlier in life.
Furthermore, whereas FSH levels fluctuate during the cycle and month to month, AMH is more constant than FSH. Therefore, AMH is one of the most accurate and first test to be done.
How to read the AMH test report?
As a general guideline, the following amounts (in nanograms per milliliter) reflect the lower limit of serum AMH values by age:
45 years old: 0.5 ng/mL
40 years old: 1 ng/mL
35 years old: 1.5 ng/ mL
30 years old: 2.5 ng/mL
25 years old: 3.0 ng/mL
High (often PCOS): Over 4.0 ng/ml
Normal: 1.5 – 4.0 ng/ml
Low Normal Range: 1.0 – 1.5 ng/ml
Low: 0.5 – 1.0 ng/ml
Very Low Less than 0.5 ng/ml
If you test your AMH today and find it low, it doesn’t imply you can’t get pregnant tomorrow or in three months. AMH levels below 1.6 ng/mL indicate fewer eggs retrieved with IVF. Levels less than 0.4 ng/mL are considered extremely low.
While test findings are useful, it’s also worth noting that you have fewer eggs as you age. This is very normal! It means that AMH levels decline during a woman’s reproductive life.
Just because you have “normal” AMH levels now does not mean they will remain normal in the future. All women will experience a decline in fertility as they age, but the rate at which this decline happens varies from woman to woman and cannot be anticipated.
The amounts shown above are considered conservative estimates, and the cutoffs vary based on the lab. Any test results should be discussed with the doctor who ordered the test.
Why book an AMH test?
Women may be offered the AMH test to check fertility issues and ovarian function, especially if in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is being considered. The test may also be recommended when a woman is diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In the case of infants, an AMH test is ordered when a doctor notices the baby has underdeveloped or indeterminate genitalia.
What AMH is:
An effective tool for determining a woman’s current ovarian reserve. It provides an overall image of how you seem now.
It can also assist to set realistic expectations for the number of eggs that can be retrieved. It can help predict how you will react to medication if you decide to pursue IVF for infertility or egg freezing.
What AMH is not:
A predictor of whether a woman will be able to become pregnant on her own in the future.
The only genuine measure of a woman’s ability to conceive, regardless of her AMH levels, is for her to become pregnant independently. A large cohort study found no difference in pregnancy rates between women with normal AMH levels and those with low AMH levels (less than 1 ng/mL).
AMH Test at home—how does it work?
The AMH test is just like any other blood test. A lab technician visits your home when you book your tests through the MFine app. The lab technician first cleans the arm and then inserts a syringe into a vein. The required amount of blood is then taken into a vial. The lab technician then removes the needle and places cotton wool or a bandage over the prick.
Are there any risks involved with the AMH test?
A blood test poses minimal risk. You may experience some discomfort or bruising where the needle was injected, but most symptoms will pass quickly.
The main message should be that an AMH is one of many bits of information that build a picture. It is not a test for egg quality; rather, it is a test for egg quantity. It should be ordered by someone familiar with the pros and cons of the AMH test so that when the results come in, you can quickly put them into context.
The AMH test can’t tell you when your eggs will run out. Female age predicts egg quality better than AMH. A low result does not imply that your fertile days are finished. Just ask any women who had a low ovarian reserve and are now carrying their baby.
What can affect the results of the AMH test?
Not all women lose their eggs at the same rate. Sometimes younger women can have lower AMH levels than you guessed based on their age. Anything that damages your ovaries can reduce your AMH levels:
- Age. AMH declines typically as we age. Because AMH begins to decline after 35, there may be a link between fertility and age.
- Surgery on the ovaries, such as removing an ovarian cyst, can inadvertently remove some eggs from the ovaries.
- Endometriosis (diseases of the ovary) can also reduce the egg number and therefore reduce AMH.
- Smoking speeds up the process of egg degeneration.
- Chemotherapy and radiation to treat cancer
- Vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamin D deficiency, has been linked to fertility issues and AMH levels.
It is also possible that your AMH levels can be affected by how your doctor’s office processed your blood after it was drawn. AMH is a very fragile molecule. it breaks down very quickly if it is not handled correctly. This can give you a falsely low level.
Frequently Asked Questions | FAQs
Is the lab technician coming for AMH test sample collection vaccinated?
Yes. Our lab technicians are fully vaccinated. Further, they also ensure safety by wearing a mask, gloves and frequently sanitising themselves during the sample collection.
Does MFine provide the interpretation for the results along with the reports? 
Yes, MFine provides the interpretation for the result and the reports. You can also avail a free medical consultation with a doctor to understand your reports accurately. The doctor will also advise and prescribe medicines, if required, based on the results.
How can I download my AMH test report?
- Login to MFine
- Go to your profile
- Click on Attachment and Reports
- Click on Lab Report
- Download the report
Are there any discount offers running on the AMH test? 
Usually you can avail of up to a 50% discount on the AMH test through MFine. However, the discount and test price may vary based on lab partner and location.
Is high AMH common in PCOS?
In women with PCOS, each follicle produces 75 times more AMH than women without PCOS. As a result, women with PCOS often have much higher levels of AMH than you would expect, given their age. Therefore, doctors can use an image to help diagnose PCOS for women who have never had trouble getting pregnant.
For women without infertility, does AMH predict the ability to get pregnant?
Low AMH levels don’t help predict whether fertile women will get pregnant. Even women who have infertility will sometimes still get pregnant either on their own or with fertility treatment. It is important to note that the rate of pregnancy with fertility treatments in infertile women with low AMH is lower than expected based on their age.
When should you see a gynecologist?
If you are above 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for more than 6 months, or under 35 and have been trying for more than 12 months. It is time to consult a Gynecologist. If you have irregular periods, you should get help as soon as possible.
Can AMH levels be increased by supplements?
There are no supplements or medications which will help. There is currently no technology that can create new eggs in your ovaries. Don’t buy a diet or supplement if they say it will improve your AMH. There is no good evidence that anything enhances the number of eggs in your ovaries.
What is the best time to do an AMH test?
The amount of AMH in a woman’s blood is a good predictor of her ovarian reserve. Because AMH levels do not fluctuate during your menstrual cycle, the blood sample can be obtained at any time of the month – even if you are taking contraceptive pills.
Does AMH show egg quality?
Your AMH level simply informs you how many eggs you have left—nothing about the quality (or genetic health) of those eggs, which is much more crucial when it comes to getting pregnant. There is no test for egg quality, although it predictably declines with age
Disclaimer: The content is uniquely informative and is meant for educational use. Kindly use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified or registered healthcare provider.