Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Test Booking in Delhi [2022-23]
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How to avail ESR Blood Test in Delhi?
What is the ESR blood test used for?
An ESR test is a blood test that can be used to determine if you have an inflammatory condition. Inflammation is often associated with conditions such as infections, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. There are many types of inflammation. Some are short-term, like those caused by infection or injury. Others can be long-term, as in the case of chronic disease. A sed rate is a blood test that is used to determine how serious or abnormal the inflammation is. ESR test is used with other diagnostic tools, to monitor overall inflammation condition.
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include persistent joint pain, stiffness, headache, weight loss, anemia, neck or shoulder pain, and loss of appetite. Systemic vasculitis, polymyalgia rheumatica, and temporal arteritis are all conditions that affect the blood vessels in the body. Systemic vasculitis causes inflammation of your blood vessels. Polymyalgia rheumatica causes muscle pain and stiffness. All these conditions can be diagnosed with the help of the ESR test along with other tests.
What is included in an ESR blood test?
ESR test is used to check the inflammation in the body. It checks how quickly the RBC settles in a test tube in an hour.
What is the ESR blood test procedure?
The ESR test involves a simple blood draw. First, the skin is cleaned. After this, a needle is inserted to collect your blood. Then, the needle is removed after the blood is withdrawn for the test, the place pricked by the needle is covered by cotton to stop bleeding if any.
To conduct an ESR test, the collected blood sample is placed into a tall thin tube and the test measures the rate of fall (sedimentation) of erythrocytes (red blood cells). The red cells usually take time to settle if the blood sample is normal without any inflammation but it settles down too quickly there is a variation in red blood cells, blood proteins, which indicates inflammation. The results are left at the top of the tube after 1 hour.
How to prepare for an ESR blood test?
Your doctor will talk to you about the sed rate test and what he is looking for. Be sure to mention any prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements you’re taking because oral contraceptives, aspirin, steroids, and vitamin A may affect your results. Blood tests usually take less time. (around five minutes)but with MFine you can book Blood tests at the comfort of your home. No fasting is required for either an Erythrocyte sed rate test. | You will get the reports on the MFine app. It will take 24 -48 hours for your test results to come back. Your reports will be available on the MFine App within 24 -48 hours.
In case you have pain in the area where the blood is withdrawn you can use ice packs to help reduce swelling and pain. You can also take Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen) for pain relief(after consulting the doctor). |
Things to consider after the ESR blood test is completed?
The sed rate or the ESR test is typically used to help diagnose infection, inflammation or various other diseases. The results of this test are reported in mm/hr (millimeters per hour). You can typically expect your sed rate to increase with age and to be higher in females than males. Many labs don’t adjust for gender or age, but the high end of this range can vary for each individual and from lab to lab.
General reading for men and women are:
- Men: 0 to 20 mm/hr11.
- Women: 0 to 30 mm/hr.
However, the readings differ based on age and gender:
- Men under 50 years old: Less than 15 mm/hr.
- Men over 50 years old: Less than 20 mm/hr.
- Women under 50 years old: Less than 20 mm/hr.
- Women over 50 years old: Less than 30 mm/hr.
A normal sed rate doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have inflammation or disease, ESR test helps to get an idea of the overall health, combined with symptoms and other diagnostic tests.
What type of infections can an ESR blood test detect?
An ESR test can be ordered to help in diagnosing and monitoring conditions including:
- Acute Infections like pneumonia
- Chronic infection like Tuberculosis
- Rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders
- Inflammatory disorders
- Polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis.
How much does the ESR blood test cost?
The ESR blood test price is affordable and economical and the ESR test cost ranges between ₹60 – ₹349 across the cities in India.
City Name | Starting Price |
ESR test in Bangalore | Rs. 60 |
ESR test in Delhi | Rs. 53 |
ESR test in Kolkata | Rs. 62 |
ESR test in Chennai | Rs. 62 |
ESR test in Mumbai | Rs. 270 |
ESR test in Noida | Rs. 53 |
ESR test in Gurgaon | Rs. 53 |
ESR test in Pune | Rs. 62 |
How long does it take to get ESR blood test results?
It takes about 24-48 hours to get the ESR blood test on your MFine app, You can download your reports on your mobile anytime and show it to your doctor.
Is the ESR blood test a definitive test?
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test isn’t a diagnosis. It measures the presence or absence of an inflammatory condition. It is not specific, meaning it can be elevated by many conditions other than inflammation.
How to read the ESR blood test report?
It is advised to consult a doctor to read the values of the ESR blood test, and your doctor can help you to determine ESR test values, Generally, referred values are as follows:
- Men under 50 years old: Less than 15 mm/hr
- Men over 50 years old: Less than 20 mm/hr
- Women under 50 years old: Less than 20 mm/hr
- Women over 50 years old: Less than 30 mm/hr.
What affects the ESR blood test results?
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) measures your level of inflammation. A mild rise in ESR may indicate pregnancy, menstruation, or anemia rather than an inflammatory disease. Certain medications and supplements can affect your results, including oral contraceptives, aspirin, cortisone, and vitamin A.
Why To Book
- To detect inflammation or infection in the body.
- To monitor the inflammatory disease treatment.
- To detect fever or tuberculosis.