Book PSA Test in Gurgaon
Avail PSA Test in Gurgaon through MFine. You can schedule a PSA Test with one of MFine's reputable lab partners and have samples collected at your home. The test reports will be available for download within 48 hours after your PSA Test sample col...
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How to book a PSA Test in Gurgaon?
Lab infrastructure in Gurgaon
- A vast spectrum of ailments circulates throughout Gurgaon throughout the year. The spread of respiratory disorders is exacerbated by air pollution. COPD, asthma, lung cancer, pneumoconiosis, anthracosis, silicosis, silicotuberculosis, berylliosis, sinusitis, acute bronchitis, and ischemic heart disease are common.
- The city has seen an upsurge in diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in recent years. Early diagnosis of such problems can give you a head start in dealing with them.
- Gurgaon laboratories are equipped with the most up-to-date equipment for analyzing samples, providing you with extremely reliable data on which your doctor would base their diagnosis.
- The bulk of laboratories in Gurgaon are computerized and automated. All tests are performed on provincial instruments and then reviewed by experienced staff.
- People suffering from various ailments and infections may take a test to see what they’re up against.
- The sooner you have a test, the better; if you’re experiencing any discomfort in your body, don’t wait to get one. Tests are not to be feared; they aid in diagnosing the problem and ensuring that therapy is effective and successful.
You can schedule a test using MFine without leaving your house.
Why book a PSA Test?
- Prostate cancer is deadly cancer that claims the lives of many men every year. Early detection could be a useful tool in getting the right treatment at the right time.
- Prostate cancer can cause PSA levels to rise. A variety of non-cancerous conditions can also raise PSA levels.
- The PSA test can detect high PSA levels in the blood, but it cannot provide precise diagnostic information on the prostate's condition.
- It is used to determine the cause of your enlarged prostate gland.
- It is also used to monitor the development of cancer patients undergoing treatment.
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What does the PSA Test measure?
- PSA is a blood test performed to determine if you have markers for prostate cancer. The test determines how much prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is present in your blood.
- PSA is a protein produced by both cancerous and non-cancerous tissue in the prostate gland, which is located below the bladder in men.
- PSA is primarily present in sperm. PSA is frequently detected in low quantities in the blood. If it is detected in high quantities in blood, it points to a cause for concern.
- A range of illnesses, including an enlarged or inflamed prostate, can boost PSA levels.
What preparation is needed for PSA test?
- Ejaculation has been associated with higher PSA levels, hence it should be avoided before sample collection.
- Biking and other strenuous exercises should be avoided.
- You should tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you're taking.
- Both the DRE and the prostate biopsy have the potential to raise PSA levels, therefore the sample must be taken before or after many weeks of these tests.
What happens to your test sample?
What do abnormal results indicate?
Abnormal results could indicate the following conditions:
- Prostatitis (inflamed or infected prostate)
- Raised PSA levels (also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH)
- A prostate tumour
- PSA levels also tend to naturally grow as people get older
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I avail at-home sample collection in Gurgaon? 
With a single click, without going anywhere, a slot can be booked on the MFine app. At-home samples can be easily availed of for any tests required to be done. The test results are also delivered to your doorstep, making it even more convenient.
What is the cost of the PSA Test in Gurgaon? 
The price of different tests varies based on the laboratories and infrastructure they use. The cost of living varies greatly between cities. PSA tests may cost between 500 and 1700 rupees per individual in Gurgaon.
I am staying in Kerala. Can I book a PSA Test for my uncle staying in Gurgaon? 
The procedure for booking for somebody else remains as easy as it would have been if you booked it for yourself. So, you can easily book a PSA test for your relatives and old family members living in distant places with the help of the MFine app.
How can I reschedule my appointment for a PSA test sample? 
You may easily reschedule your PSA test appointment with the MFine app. The date and time of the sample collection can be rescheduled using this method.
Is the lab technician coming for a PSA test sample collection vaccinated? 
Yes. Our lab technicians have all of the necessary vaccinations. They also safeguard their safety by donning a mask and sanitiser, and gloves when collecting samples.
When is PSA Test recommended? 
The PSA test is usually recommended when the doctor suspects conditions such as prostate cancer, prostatitis, or prostatic hyperplasia caused by the inflammation and enlargement of the prostate gland. These are suspected if the patient suffers from symptoms such as difficulty, pain, and burning sensation in urination, frequent urges to urinate, and pain in the lower back, hips, and thighs.
Is a prescription required to book a PSA Test? 
There is no need for a prescription from a registered doctor to take the PSA test. It is usually recommended by the doctor.
Does MFine provide result interpretation along with the reports? 
Yes. MFine provides result interpretation along with the reports. Also, you will be able to avail a free doctor consultation after the lab test to understand your reports accurately. Our doctor will also advise and prescribe medicines if required based on the results.
Is the PSA Test definitive? 
The PSA test is not definitive. The test results test can be unreliable sometimes, and other tests may need to be done along with it. Also, this would just detect the increase in levels of PSA, but to further understand the disorder in detail, such as the cause and cure, a prostate biopsy might need to be performed.
What are other tests usually recommended along with the PSA Test? 
If your PSA test results are abnormal, doctors also recommend getting a digital rectal exam (DRE), or other PSA tests such as the Prostate Health Index (PHI), 4Kscore test, or per cent-free PSA. Other lab tests, such as the ExoDx Prostate (IntelliScore), or a prostate gland imaging exam, such as an MRI (especially a multiparametric MRI) or transrectal ultrasound may also be required.
What diseases can be detected through the PSA Test? 
- Non-cancerous disorders like acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, enlarged prostate due to hormonal changes or age-related factors, and other urological infections are detected through PSA tests.
- Every male with increased PSA levels might not have cancer.
- Prostate cancer in men can be detected through the PSA test.
How can I download my PSA Test report?

- Login to MFine
- Go to your profile
- Click Attachment and Reports
- Click Lab Report and download the same