Serum Amylase
Dr.Abhishtita MudunuriLast Updated on 21st March 2022What is the Serum Amylase test used for?
A serum amylase test is used for monitoring or diagnosing a problem with the pancreas, including pancreatitis or the inflammation of the pancreas. The test might also be used under the following conditions:
- For ruling out diseases other than pancreatitis like abscesses or cysts.
- As part of regular health check-ups of an individual.
- For detecting diseases of the pancreas related to obstruction of the ducts.
- For monitoring treatment associated with pancreatic diseases.
A doctor might also request an amylase test for monitoring certain existing conditions like eating disorders and pregnancy.
What is included in the Serum Amylase test?
The serum amylase test includes only this test.
Procedure for Serum Amylase test
For the serum amylase test, a healthcare professional will collect a blood sample from the vein in the arm of the patient with the use of a small needle. Once the needle goes in, a small amount of blood is collected into a vial or test tube. The patient might feel a sting when the needle goes in and comes out. The blood sample collection takes just five minutes.
The healthcare professional will be applying antiseptic to the area where the blood is drawn. They will even tie an elastic band around the upper arm for increasing the amount of blood flow to the veins resulting in the swelling of the veins. This makes it easier to find the vein to collect the blood sample.
How to prepare for the Serum Amylase test?
There is no preparation needed for the serum amylase test. Ensure that your doctor has a clear understanding of all the vitamins, supplements, herbs, and medicines you are on. This must also include over-the-counter medicines and illicit drugs you might be using. Fasting is not necessary, and you also do not need to make any specific preparations before undergoing the serum amylase test. Certain medicines can increase the levels of amylase in the blood. Please inform your doctor as they might recommend stopping the medicines temporarily before the test. You must also avoid consuming alcohol before the serum amylase test.
Things to consider after the Serum Amylase test is complete
If the serum amylase test does not provide satisfactory results. In that case, patients might have to undergo the same test all over again, albeit by offering their urine samples in place of blood samples. Your doctor might also order other tests like lipase, hematocrit, trypsinogen, Ultrasound abdomen and abdominal CT. In addition to the serum amylase test, patients might also need to undergo other tests like MRI, Liver Function Test, and CT scan.
What types of infection can the Serum Amylase test detect?
A serum amylase test helps in detecting different infections. You might require this text to help your doctor diagnose and manage health problems like:
- Alcoholic, chronic or acute pancreatitis
- Digestive issues like appendicitis perforated peptic ulcers, tumours and infections of the salivary glands.
Results of the amylase test directly reflect the health of the hepatobiliary system of the patient. Certain indications that make it important for a person to undergo the serum amylase test are as follows:
- Sudden acute pain in the abdomen
- Recurrent digestive issues
- History of alcoholism
- History of pancreatic issues
- Chronic pancreatitis
- History of salivary gland problems
- Pancreatic cyst
How much does the Serum Amylase test cost?
A serum amylase test is ordered if the doctor suspects an issue with an individual’s pancreas- the organ in the human stomach that helps with digestion. The cost for the serum amylase test is Rs. 440. This is the standard or average cost you can expect to pay if undergoing a serum amylase test.
*Disclaimer: The value varies based on location, time, and your preferred lab partner.
How long does it take to get the results for the Serum Amylase test?
You can expect to get the results for the Serum Amylase test within 24 to 48 hours after the sample is collected. However, in certain cases, depending on the location, medical advice, and preferred lab partner, it may take longer.
What do abnormal Serum Amylase test results indicate?
The normal amylase range for adults in their blood sample is between 30 and 110 units per litre. In case your levels of amylase in the blood are higher than normal, you might have one of these many conditions:
- Acute pancreatitis or sudden swelling of the pancreas
- Chronic pancreatitis that gets worse suddenly.
- Pancreatic pseudocysts or a type of cyst in the pancreas.
- Cancers of the pancreas and even lung, ovary, colon, and breast.
- Swelling in the abdomen or ascites.
- Intestinal infarction or death of the intestinal tissue
- Macroamylasemia-A benign condition showing macroamylase in the blood of the patient.
- Intestine blockage
- Peptic ulcer with a hole in it. The condition is called a perforated ulcer.
- Appendicitis
- Acute cholecystitis or sudden swelling of the gallbladder
- Swelling of the salivary gland
- Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
- Burns
- Peritonitis or swelling of the abdomen lining
Low levels of amylase in the blood indicate:
- Chronic pancreatitis (rare)
- Preeclampsia
- Liver and kidney diseases
Disclaimer: Please consult with your doctor to interpret the test reports.
Is Serum Amylase a definitive test?
No, the serum amylase test might not be definitive for the patients who want to know whether they are suffering from pancreatitis. The level of amylase in an individual’s blood can increase or decrease due to varied conditions, many of which are not pancreas-related. Therefore, the lipase test is a better test for diagnosing pancreas function.
How to read the Serum Amylase report?
- The normal reference range is between 30 and 110 units per litre for adults
- For the newborns, the reference range for the amylase level in the blood is between 30 and 60 units per litre.
Here, it is important to note that the level of amylase in the blood remains low for the first couple of months of life and slowly increases to the normal range values of an adult by the end of the first year of life.
Also, the values might increase slightly during pregnancy and even in older adults. Critical values are >3X the upper limit of normal or ULN, depending on the procedure used for the test.
- Suspected Pancreatitis: Level >4x ULM within 48 hours of the onset of signs and symptoms of pancreatitis is suggestive of acute onset pancreatitis The levels tend to rise within 24 to 36 hours and even fall within 48 hours of the onset of illness.
- Patients suffering from gallstone pancreatitis might have higher amylase levels than patients with alcoholic pancreatitis. However, there is no specific cut-off between both these conditions.
- The rise of serum amylase levels greater than 4x the ULN post ERCP with symptoms like pain is suggestive of post-ERCP pancreatitis.
Why book the Serum Amylase test?
A doctor can recommend the serum amylase test for diagnosing problems in the pancreas, especially pancreatitis. Nevertheless, the test can also be a part of the regular health check-up of individuals,
The serum amylase levels can increase in blood because of several pancreatic problems like a pancreatic abscess, pancreatic pseudocyst, and even pancreatic cancer. Doctors might recommend the serum amylase and lipase test for individuals showing signs like vomiting and nausea, loss of appetite, fever, and severe pain in the abdomen.
The serum amylase test is also performed to check individuals with cystic fibrosis. High amylase levels are a sign of cystic fibrosis- a condition where thick plugs of mucus block the digestive enzymes moving from the pancreas to the small intestine.
Serum Amylase test at home – how does it work?
The Serum Amylase test is just like any other blood test. A lab technician visits your home when you book your tests through the MFine app. The lab technician first cleans the arm and then inserts a syringe into a vein. The required amount of blood is then taken into a vial. The lab technician then removes the needle and places cotton wool or a bandage over the prick.
Are there any risks involved with Serum Amylase?
There is little to no risk involved with the serum amylase test. During this blood test, you might experience a bit of pain and bruise at the spot where the needle is inserted for drawing in blood. But the majority of the symptoms generally go away instantly.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that collecting blood samples using a needle might carry certain risks, including infection, bleeding, feeling dizzy, and bruising.
What can affect the results for Serum Amylase?
Certain medicines like aspirin, pain relievers such as morphine, and medicines containing oestrogen can affect the results of a serum amylase test. The use of alcohol before the test can also affect the test results. Having had a recent kidney transplant and pregnancy can also affect the test results.
Our Trusted Lab Partners for Serum Amylase
Frequently Asked Questions | FAQs
Is the lab technician coming for Serum Amylase sample collection vaccinated?
Yes. Our lab technicians are fully vaccinated. Further, they also ensure safety by wearing masks and gloves and frequently sanitising themselves during the sample collection.
Does MFine provide the interpretation for the results along with the reports? 
Yes, MFine provides the interpretation for the result and the reports. You can also avail a free medical consultation with a doctor to understand your reports accurately. The doctor will also advise and prescribe medicines, if required, based on the results.
How can I download my Serum Amylase test report? 
- Login to MFine
- Go to your profile
- Click on Attachment and Reports
- Click on Lab Report
- Download the report
Are there any discount offers running on the Serum Amylase test?
Usually, you can avail of up to 50% discount on Serum Amylase through MFine. However, the discount and test price may vary based on lab partner and location.
Does elevated amylase levels always mean that a person has a pancreatic condition?
No, the levels of amylase might significantly increase in individuals with gallbladder problems. Blood amylase levels might elevate due to lung cancer, ovarian cancer, acute appendicitis, tubal pregnancy, mumps, diabetic ketoacidosis, perforated ulcers, and intestinal obstruction. But serum amylase tests are not usually used for diagnosing or monitoring these problems.
Can medicines affect the levels of serum amylase in blood? 
Yes, certain medicines like diuretics, aspirin, corticosteroids, contraceptives, opiates, and indomethacin can affect serum amylase levels in the blood.
What is the difference between S-amylase and P-amylase?
Amylase is an enzyme with different forms known as isoenzymes. Varied tissues make different forms. S-amylase is the amylase produced by the salivary glands, while P-amylase is the amylase made in the pancreas. S-amylase in the blood increases when the salivary glands are damaged or inflamed, and P-amylase increases when the pancreas is damaged or inflamed.
What are the signs of pancreatitis? 
The signs of pancreatitis include severe abdominal pain that feels worse after having food, upper abdominal pain, rapid pulse, vomiting, nausea, and fever.
What is chronic pancreatitis? 
Chronic pancreatitis is generally related to alcoholism. However, it is even caused due to pancreatic duct obstruction or trauma or might even be seen in association with different genetic issues such as cystic fibrosis.
Who can do the Serum Amylase test?
Men and women of all ages can opt for this test.