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How To Treat Cervical Radiculopathy C6-C7?


Cervical radiculopathy is the damage caused to the nerve function when one of the nerve roots near the cervical vertebrae is compressed.

In about 80–90% of the patients diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy, the C5/C6 or C6/C7 motion segments are affected by a degenerative disease. [1]

- Requires a medical diagnosis.
- Lab test and image testing are often required.
- Can happen to both men and women.

C6-C7 located towards the bottom of the cervical spine helps provide the neck with structural support, some flexibility, and does its part to protect the spinal cord. The damage occurs as a result of pressure from material from a ruptured disc and degenerative changes in bones. It can be a result of trauma and accidents.

Ages Affected: Can happen people of any age.


Most common symptoms include:
- Nerve compression and irritation.
- Pain and tingling in neck down the shoulder.
- Weakness and numbness in the forearm and palm.
- Lack of coordination, especially in the hands.


Self-Care: Your doctor might recommend therapy like gentle cervical traction and mobilization, exercises, and other modalities to reduce pain.
Medications: Your doctor may prescribe pain medications to treat cervical radiculopathy.
Specialists: You can connect with a specialist at mfine to have a better understanding of this disease and get cured by a comprehensive treatment program.

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