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Costochondritis: Everything To Know
Costochondritis is an inflammation of the chest.
More than 1 million cases of Costochondritis are reported every year in India.
- Treatable by medical professionals
- Medical diagnosis is required
- Lab tests are rarely required
- Treatment is short-termed
The usual cause isn't known yet. In some circumstances, it is generally developed after trauma or a muscle strain. Costochondritis causes pain on the breastbone, pain in more than one rib or with deep breaths or coughing.
Ages affected - 0-2 - Very rarely; between 3-13 - Rarely; between 14-40 -often; between 40-60 and above - most often
Requires a medical diagnosis
Costochondritis causes pain in more than one rib or pain that gets worse with deep breaths or coughing.
People may experience:
Pain areas: in the chest or rib
Pain circumstances: can occur while coughing
Also common: tenderness
If any of these symptoms are noticed, the doctor should be consulted immediately to get tested and to get medical care. If severe symptoms start to appear, medical help should be availed right away.
Treatment includes injections to relieve pain, medication, and therapy.
Aerobic activity for 20- 30 minutes for most days a week improves cardiovascular health.
Stretching and physical therapies are helpful
Analgesic to relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to reduce fever and to decrease inflammation, steroids to stimulate hormonal effects for tissue growth and repair.
For other kinds, consult a physician. At Mfine, we’re here to help you with different areas of health issues, come on board for a holistic treatment program.
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