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Joint & Muscle Issues: Overview

Joint trouble could get very uncomfortable. The constant pain and inability to move around freely can be extremely unsettling. In fact, joint pain could point to either arthritis or arthralgia. Often used interchangeably, there however exists a difference between both conditions. While arthritis is inflammation of the joints that causes pain, arthralgia is pain in the joint itself also called ‘joint stiffness’. The former could also cause swelling in tendons, muscles, bones or ligaments.

Muscle ache or myalgia, on the other hand, is very common and can be felt anywhere in the body since muscle tissue is found in almost every part.


The symptoms of joint troubles usually are as under:

  • Stiffness of the joints
  • Excessive pain in the joints
  • Affected area being warm and reddish
  • Difficult in moving joints

Usually, symptoms of both arthritis and arthralgia are common; the ones listed above are usually of arthralgia. Specific symptoms of arthritis are as follows:

  • Swelling of the joints
  • Deformation
  • Bone and cartilage loss that could result in immobility
  • Pain caused by bones scraping against each other

Myalgia, on the other hand, is characterised by intense pain and discomfort in the muscles.


Arthritis pain is usually caused by:

  • Joint injury
  • The state of obesity when excessive body weight pressurises joints
  • Osteoarthritis that leads to cartilage wearing away and bones scraping against each other
  • Rheumatoid arthritis wherein the membrane around the joints wear away causing inflammation

A far wider range of causes leads to arthralgia. For instance:

  • Dislocation of joints
  • Bone cancer
  • Joint injury
  • Tendinitis
  • Hypothyroidism

Muscle pains are usually caused by stress, injury, muscle tension or excessive physical activity. However, not all muscle problems are caused by such factors. Some other reasons include:

  • Bacterial infections, flu or polio
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome or myofascial pain syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Thyroid issues
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Usage of certain medications and drugs like ACE inhibitors or cocaine
  • Low potassium

Diagnosing Joint Muscle Issues

Seek immediate medical attention if the joint pain symptoms last for over a week. It is simple with mfine wherein you can look up the finest doctors online who can attend to your problems. Usually, a professional will take note of your medical history and the activities that might have triggered the condition. Blood tests, X-rays, MRI scans and various other tests might be required too.

Muscle trouble is easily detected with the discomfort you might feel and can be easily addressed at home. Nonetheless, seeking medical advice if the pain intensifies is recommended.

Other Disorders and Joint Muscle Issues

While arthralgia might not lead to serious complications, arthritis, if ignored or not treated properly, can. Some such complications of arthritis are:

  • An autoimmune disorder called Lupus that can lead to kidney trouble, heart failure, and breathing issues
  • Gout that could further lead to kidney stones, immobility of joints, intense pain and nodules (tophi)
  • A skin disorder called Psoriasis

In the case of repeated muscle issues, pain could intensify leading to more serious complications.

Treating Joint Muscle Issues

Home remedies can ease joint troubles to an extent. Make sure you exercise regularly; swimming is an excellent activity that could help your joints. Warm and cold compresses can help too. Stay relaxed and take adequate rest. Some over-the-counter pain killers can provide relief too.

However, it is always advised that expert medical opinion be sought to avoid more serious repercussions. Studying your condition, some of the most qualified doctors you will easily find online on mfine will suggest the necessary medication. In certain serious cases, even surgery, like joint replacement, might be required.

Normal muscle issues can be treated at home taking adequate rest and avoiding stressful activities for a while. Apply ice to the affected area to reduce swelling and for pain relief. Over-the-counter painkillers can help too. For better care though, a quick consultation with a doctor online on mfineis a good starting point.

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