Best Nephrologists in Hyderabad – mfine Best Nephrologists in Hyderabad – mfine Best Nephrologists in Hyderabad – mfine

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Doctors with
45+ years of experience

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Best Nephrologists in Hyderabad

Dr. K S Nayak


Consult Fee - ₹550

33 Yrs of Practice

The Deccan Hospital

Dr. Pradeep


Consult Fee - ₹800

24 Yrs of Practice

Gleneagles Hospital

Dr. B Sudhakar


Consult Fee - ₹550

21 Yrs of Practice

Aster Prime Hospital

Dr. SV Subramanyam


Consult Fee - ₹700

21 Yrs of Practice

The Deccan Hospital

About Nephrologists

Who Is A Nephrologist?

A nephrologist is a doctor who specializes in detecting and treating diseases that affect kidneys. A nephrologist is often consulted to diagnose and treat more severe or complex kidney conditions.

What Conditions Can A Nephrologist Treat?

A nephrologist can detect and diagnose various kidney-related conditions such as blood in urine, chronic kidney disease, kidney infections, kidney stones, kidney cancer, polycystic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, renal artery stenosis, end-stage kidney disease, kidney failure, etc.

What Is The Difference Between Nephrology and Urology?

A nephrologist is a doctor who is specialized in treating conditions affecting the kidney more directly, while a urologist focuses on the conditions that affect the urinary tract.

How Can I Consult A Nephrologist?

You can find the best nephrologist in Hyderabad and book an appointment instantly by calling us. Our medical professionals will assist you in finding the right doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

A doctor from our team will understand your condition and the requirement. Based on that, our doctor will provide you with the best options available in the city for your condition.

Yes, we will book the consultation with the doctor and the hospital you choose.

You do not have to pay anything to us. MFine is associated with the hospitals and does not charge anything for our service from the patients.

Besides the free assistance in choosing the right doctor, you can also avail a free 2nd opinion online with the top doctors. Also, you can avail an exclusive discount of up to 70% on your blood tests/scans from labs across the city.