Coronary Angiography Cost In Hyderabad - 100% Off On Consult | MFine Coronary Angiography Cost In Hyderabad - 100% Off On Consult | MFine Coronary Angiography Cost In Hyderabad - 100% Off On Consult | MFine

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Best Cardiologists in Hyderabad

Dr. V Dayasagar Rao


58 Years of Practice

KIMS Hospital

Dr. Sampath Kumar


38 Years of Practice

CARE Hospitals

Dr. Alluri Raja


29 Years of Practice

CARE Hospitals

Dr. M Srinivas Rao


29 Years of Practice

Medicover Hospitals

About Procedure

What Is A Coronary Angiography?

Coronary angiography is a test performed to evaluate any blockage in the arteries supplying blood to the heart. During a Coronary angiography, A contrast dye is injected into the arteries through a plastic tube known as a catheter. This contrast agent helps produce clearer images to help the doctor examine the blood flow through the heart.

Why Is A Coronary Angiography Performed?

Coronary angiography is performed when either of the following conditions exists:

  • TreatmentAngina – a condition where there is a pain in the chest due to limited flow of blood to and from the heart
  • TreatmentInjury to an artery or vein
  • TreatmentBlood clots, bleeding, and bruising
  • TreatmentTo plan surgical procedures in advance

How To Prepare For A Coronary Angiography?

  • TreatmentAt least 8 hours of fasting may be required before the test. (as advised by the doctor)
  • TreatmentYou will have to provide all other medical history and may have to appear for a physical examination prior to a coronary angiography
  • TreatmentIf you are on any ongoing medication, the same must be discussed with the doctor

What Is The Procedure For A Coronary Angiography?

Procedure for coronary angiography starts by inserting a thin tube called the catheter into a blood vessel up to the heart and the coronary arteries. A contrast dye is injected through the catheter and X-ray images are taken of the same. The dye helps in showing the blood vessels it travels through, Highlighting any blocked or narrowed vessels. During the procedure, the target area through which the catheter is inserted is made numb to avoid any discomfort.

What Is the Average Coronary Angiography Cost In Hyderabad ?

Acoronary angiography cost in Hyderabad varies depending on your medical condition and the surgical technique used. Give us a call, so our MFine medical expert would assist in finding the best CT coronary angiogram cost in Hyderabad with the best hospital for CT angiography in Hyderabad.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of the surgery or treatment varies depending on the hospital and the technique used. MFine will help you get the best quotation from all top hospitals in the city along with free consultations in those hospitals.

Yes, all your consultations regarding the surgical treatment will be completely free at all our network hospitals.

The approval of insurance is subject to your policy and the provider. However, MFine will assist in getting all the related documents and coordinate with your insurance provider to get your claim approved pre-surgery.

MFine doesn't promise any discount on surgery. But, we will negotiate the price with the hospital on your behalf and try to accommodate your budget. However, we offer exclusive discounts on diagnostics and pre-surgical tests at diagnostic centers across the city.

You don't have to pay anything to MFine. We are associated with the hospitals directly to make your journey hassle-free and do not charge any fee for these services.