Best Gynaec Surgeons In Hyderabad - 30+ Years Of Experience | MFine Best Gynaec Surgeons In Hyderabad - 30+ Years Of Experience | MFine Best Gynaec Surgeons In Hyderabad - 30+ Years Of Experience | MFine

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Best Gynaec Surgeons in Hyderabad

Dr. Meera Rajgopal

Gynaec Surgeon

Consult Fee - ₹550

29 Years of Practice

Aster Prime Hospital

Dr. Sujatha

Gynaec Surgeon

Consult Fee - ₹500

29 Years of Practice

Lotus Hospital

Dr. A Bhavani

Gynaec Surgeon

Consult Fee - ₹650

25 Years of Practice

Sunshine Hospital

About Gynaec Surgeons

Who Is A Gynaec Surgeon?

A Gynaec surgeon is a surgeon that specializes in female reproductive health and surgery. They diagnose and treat issues related to the female reproductive tract. Which includes the uterus, ovaries and breasts.

What Are The Qualifications Of A Gynaec Surgeon?

To qualify as a Gyanec Surgeon, an individual is required to complete an MBBS degree, followed by diploma in Gynaecology & Obstetrics. And also, Doctor of Medicine (MD) in Gynaecology & Obstetric

When Should I Visit A Gynaec Surgeon?

You may need to visit a Gynaec Surgeon for any of the following reasons-

  • TreatmentIssues related to pregnancy and fertility.
  • TreatmentProblems related with menstruation and menopause.
  • TreatmentProblems with pelvic organs, including ligaments and muscles
  • TreatmentEmergency care related to gynecology
  • TreatmentUnexplained bleeding
  • TreatmentSexual dysfunction
  • TreatmentPregnancy termination and family planning

What Diseases Do Gynaec Surgeons Treat?

Some of the diseases treated by a Gynaec surgeons are STI’s, Endometriosis, congenital abnormalities, Cancers of the reproductive tract and the breasts and Tumors. Gynaec surgeons are concerned about other diseases as well

How Do I Consult A Gynaec Surgeon?

You can call us and know the details of all the Gynaec Surgeons near you. Based on your need, you can make an appointment for a consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

A doctor from our team will understand your condition and the requirement. Based on that, our doctor will provide you with the best options available in the city for your condition.

Yes, we will book the consultation with the doctor and the hospital you choose.

You do not have to pay anything to us. MFine is associated with the hospitals and does not charge anything for our service from the patients.

Besides the free assistance in choosing the right doctor, you can also avail a free 2nd opinion online with the top doctors. Also, you can avail an exclusive discount of up to 70% on your blood tests/scans from labs across the city.