Spine Surgeons in Hyderabad – mfine Spine Surgeons in Hyderabad – mfine Spine Surgeons in Hyderabad – mfine

15,000+ consults
done every month

trusted patients

Doctors with
45+ years of experience

network hospitals

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Best Spine Surgeons in Hyderabad

Dr. Uday Myneni


Consult fees - ₹550

20 Yrs of Practice

KIMS Hospital

Dr. Srinivas Kasha


Consult fees - ₹550

18 Yrs of Practice

KIMS Hospital

Dr. K Chaitanya


Consult fees - ₹650

9 Yrs of Practice

KIMS Hospital

Dr. Krishnachaitanya


Consult fees - ₹500

14 Yrs of Practice

Sia Life Hospital

About Neurosurgeon

Who Is A Spine Surgeon?

Spine surgeons are doctors who specialize in the treatment of the spine. There are two types of specialists trained to perform spine surgery, Orthopedic Spine Surgeons and Neurosurgeons.

What Are The Qualifications Of A Spine Surgeon?

An individual is required to complete MBBS, followed by a degree in M.S. In addition to this a spine surgeon will have extra qualifications such as Fellow in Spine Surgery, FRCS, and Ph.D

When Should I Visit A Spine Surgeon?

When there is chronic pain being felt in the spine and carrying out day-to-day activities becomes impossible a need to visit a spine surgeon may arise.

What Diseases Do Spine Surgeons Treat?

A few of the most common spinal conditions are :

  • TreatmentFacet Joint malfunction
  • TreatmentSpinal Stenosis
  • TreatmentSpondylolisthesis
  • TreatmentDeformity
  • TreatmentFracture
  • TreatmentInfection or Tumor
  • TreatmentSlipped Disc

How Do I Consult A Spine Surgeon?

You can call us and know the details of all the cardiologists near you. Based on your need, you can make an appointment for a consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

A doctor from our team will understand your condition and the requirement. Based on that, our doctor will provide you with the best options available in the city for your condition.

Yes, we will book the consultation with the doctor and the hospital you choose.

You do not have to pay anything to us. MFine is associated with the hospitals and does not charge anything for our service from the patients.

Besides the free assistance in choosing the right doctor, you can also avail a free 2nd opinion online with the top doctors. Also, you can avail an exclusive discount of up to 70% on your blood tests/scans from labs across the city.