Surgical Oncologist in Hyderabad – mfine Surgical Oncologist in Hyderabad – mfine Surgical Oncologist in Hyderabad – mfine

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Best Surgical Oncologists in Hyderabad

Dr. G Suryanarayana

Surgical Oncologist

Consult Fee - ₹600

36 Yrs of Practice

Asvins Speciality Hospital

Dr. Nagendra

Surgical Oncologist

Consult Fee - ₹800

29 Yrs of Practice

KIMS Hospital

Dr. P Raghu Ram

Surgical Oncologist

Consult Fee - ₹500

27 Yrs of Practice

KIMS Hospital

Dr. S Jayanti

Surgical Oncologist

Consult Fee - ₹800

24 Yrs of Practice

Kamineni Hospital

About Surgical Oncologist

Who Is An Oncologist?

An oncologist is a doctor who is specialized in diagnosing and treating people with cancer. Based on the diagnosis, an oncologist will be able to determine the growth of cancer, its pace of growth, and the body part in which the cancerous cells are present.

Different Types Of Oncologists

Medical oncologist: The medical oncologist will treat cancer using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and other treatments.

Radiation oncologists: They use high-energy photon beams to target and destroy cancer cells.

Surgical oncologists: They often perform biopsies to check for any cancerous cells and will perform surgeries to remove cancer tissues.

Pediatric oncologist: This type of oncologist will diagnose and treat cancer in children.

Gynecologic oncologists: These oncologists are specialized in treating cancers that affect women, such as ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer.

Hematologist oncologist: Doctors who specialized in treating blood cancers are called hematologist-oncologist.

How Can I Consult A Oncologist?

You can call us to know the details of the best oncologist in Hyderabad. Our highly experienced medical team will assist you in finding the right oncologist for your condition. Also, get a free second opinion with our best doctors.

Frequently Asked Questions

A doctor from our team will understand your condition and the requirement. Based on that, our doctor will provide you with the best options available in the city for your condition.

Yes, we will book the consultation with the doctor and the hospital you choose.

You do not have to pay anything to us. MFine is associated with the hospitals and does not charge anything for our service from the patients.

Besides the free assistance in choosing the right doctor, you can also avail a free 2nd opinion online with the top doctors. Also, you can avail an exclusive discount of up to 70% on your blood tests/scans from labs across the city.