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by Urologists


Pelviureteric Junction (PUJ) Obstruction All You Need to Know


A pelviureteric junction (PUJ) obstruction a.k.a. stenosis is a medical condition associated with an obstruction in the upper end of the ureter.
A PUJ obstruction is reported in 1 among every 1,500 births annually worldwide.

- Medium term: symptoms take months to years to subside
- Can occur in both genders
- Isnt contagious: doesnt spread among people
- Requires medical diagnosis
- Lab tests or imaging usually required

Nearly all PUJ obstructions are congenital, because of improper formation of the kidney or ureter during the evolution of the fetus. Sometimes, this disease may also occur to a person due to its presence in a progenitor.
Ages affected - Between 0 and 2: Most often; Between 2 and 30: Less often; 30 and above: Rare


Requires medical diagnosis
Symptoms include abdominal pain, fever accompanied by infection in the urinary tract, kidney stones, blood passed in the urine, and so on.

People may experience

Pain areas - upper abdomen
Fever with urinary tract infection
Throwing up (vomiting)
Also common - kidney stones, blood passed in urine, dismal infantile
growth, and so on.


If the infant is jittery, and is agitated or crying while passing urine, it is enough reason to rush to the nearest urology department of a hospital.

After observation of the patient, if symptoms dont subside in a few months, surgery is the next step of action.
Laparoscopic pyeloplasty is usually performed on infants suffering from this condition.

mfine is where the finest urologists choose to disseminate their advice and treatment, and this is the appropriate place if youre seeking treatment for right PUJ obstruction. Contact us at www.mfine.co .

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