Vaccination Chart for Babies in India: Updated 2020 [Downloadable]


Baby vaccination chart India

Seeing your baby for the first time is a priceless moment. A gamut of emotions courses through every parent the first time they carry their bundle of joy ranging from love to happiness to sheer wonder. But the most overpowering feeling that every parent experiences is a fierce sense of protectiveness of the young life that has been entrusted to their care.

It’s hard not to constantly worry about keeping your baby safe. After all, they look so small and fragile, while the world around them appears so risky and dangerous. There are a number of things we do in the name of safety. We install a baby seat in our car, baby proof our home, switch to organic products and so much more. But what about protection from infections, diseases, and other ailments? This is where vaccination comes into the picture.

In simple terms, vaccines save lives.

By getting your child vaccinated, you are safeguarding them from many preventive illnesses. They can run around and play, free from the fear of polio, or get a simple red rash without you fearing that it could be a deadly bout of measles.

While agreeing to get your child vaccinated is an important first step, you might be confused about what vaccines your child needs, when they need them and how to prepare them for their course. Read our comprehensive guide on getting your child vaccinated and a complete vaccination chart for babies in India to get all your questions answered and ensure that your child receives every advantage they can get.

Chapter 1

Month-by-month vaccination schedule for children

With our complete vaccination chart for babies in India, you can easily keep track of each of your child’s vaccination appointments!

Vaccines need to be taken at specific time periods for them to be most effective. Some even require booster shots that need to be taken after a certain amount of time. Because of this, parents need to follow a strict schedule when it comes to vaccinating their child.

The Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) creates a vaccination schedule that is regularly updated following new advances in medicine.Your pediatrician is likely to refer to this immunization chart. However, the exact vaccines they recommend will depend upon your child’s genetics, health, and environmental risk factors.

Vaccination chart for babies in India

This vaccination chart for babies in India has been created according to the guidelines recommended by the IAP. Always remember to consult with your paediatrician on the vaccination schedule for children as it might require some modifications based on your child’s unique needs. Follow this vaccination chart for babies in India for your children by age to ensure your child is protected from common preventable illnesses.

Birth Bacillius Calmette - Guerin (BCG) 1 BCG
Oral polio vaccine (OPV O) 1 OPV
Hepatitis B (Help - B1) 1 Hep-B
6 Weeks Oral polio vaccine (OPV 1) 1 OPV 1
Pentavalent vaccine -1 (Penta 1) - Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, HiB 1 Penta 1 (DPT-HepB-HiB)
Rotavirus 1 1 Rotavirus
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV 2) 1 PCV
10 Weeks Oral polio vaccine (OPV 2) 1 OPV 2
Pentavalent vaccine -2 (Penta 2) - Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, HiB 1 Penta 2 (DPT-HepB-HiB)
Rotavirus 2 1 Rotavirus
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV 2) 1 PCV
14 Weeks Oral polio vaccine (OPV 3) 1 OPV 3
Pentavalent vaccine -3 (Penta 3) - Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, HiB 1 Penta 3 (DPT-HepB-HiB)
Rotavirus 3 1 Rotavirus
Pnemococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV 3) 1 PCV
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) 1 IPV
9 Months Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR - 1) 1 MMR
Japanese Encephalitis 1 (JE - 1) 1 JE
9 to 12 Months Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine 1 Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine
12 Months Hepatitis - A (Hep - A1) 1 Hep - A
15 Months Measles,Mumps and Rubella (MMR - 2) 1 MMR
Varicella 1 1 Varicella
PCV Booster 1 PCV
16 to 18 months Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV B1) 1 IPV
Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib B1) 1 Hib
18 months Hepatitis A (Hep - A2) 1 Hep - A
OPV Booster 1 OPV
2 years Booster of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine 1 Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine
DPT 1st booster 1 DPT
Japanese Encephalitis 2 (JE -2) 1 JE
4 - 6 years Varicella 2 1 Varicella
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR - 3) 1 MMR
DPT 2nd booster 1 DPT
10 - 12 years Tdap/Td 1 Tdap
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 1 HPV
Tetanus Toxoid - 1 (TT-1) 1 TT
16 years Tetanus Toxoid - 2 (TT-2) 1 TT

You can remember your child’s vaccination appointments by printing out this vaccination chart for babies in India and hanging it in a place where you can’t miss it - like your fridge.

This vaccination chart for babies in India comes in handy because keeping track of your child’s vaccination card card can be difficult especially if you have a busy schedule.You can make this easier by printing out this vaccination chart for babies in India and hanging it in a place where you can’t miss it - like your fridge. You can also set reminders on your phone for every appointment on your vaccination card that your child is due for so you never forget an appointment.

In case your child has a fever when they are scheduled for a vaccine, make sure to ask your doctor if you need to modify the vaccination schedule for children. Sometimes, a fever can affect the efficacy of a vaccine or increase the chances of side effects from the vaccine.

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While each of the vaccines in your child’s vaccination chart is essential, two of them have emerged as extremely important for the health of your child and of the society at large: the polio vaccine and the pentavalent vaccine

Polio Vaccine:

One of the first vaccines for newborn babies and infants, Polio vaccine is the need of the hour for children till the age of six. To protect children against polio or poliomyelitis, polio vaccine is recommended to be given in four doses right from ages of 2 months, 4 months, 6-18 months, and 4 through the age of 6.

What is polio?

Polio is essentially a virus infection which affects the nervous system, resulting in permanent paralysis or sometimes even death, with infants and children being more susceptible to the virus. The poliovirus can enter the body through one’s mouth, particularly via food and drinks which contain the faecal matter of somebody who has the poliovirus. This leads to the virus multiplying in the intestines it gets passed on through faeces and the cycle continues. Some of the apparent symptoms of polio are fever, headache, vomiting, fatigue, pain in the limbs or neck, and weakness, especially in the legs.

How does the polio vaccine work?

Polio infection virus has 3 types – Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. It’s important to note that currently, all polio vaccines are trivalent, i.e. they are designed to protect against all the three types of poliovirus. It’s best to maintain a child’s vaccination card and understand why vaccination is important, particularly because polio is contagious. It is also essential to follow up with yourpediatrician on your polio vaccination schedule.

Polio vaccination is considered to be an important vaccination for babies in India as it continues to spread in Asian and African countries. While the polio vaccination benefits are aplenty, the infection in itself does not have a cure. Every country has its immunization and vaccination schedules. Some countries have OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) while some have IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) or a combined vaccination schedule. Adhering to a list of vaccines for children by age is the need of the hour you can always refer to the vaccination chart for babies in India if need be.

Pentavalent Vaccine

A pentavalent vaccine refers to a 5-in-1 vaccine providing immunization against 5 life-threatening diseases namely Hepatitis B, Pertussis, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Hib and Hepatitis B. To the uninitiated, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) is a bacterium that causes severe infections.

How many doses of pentavalent vaccine are required?

In total, the child will undergo three doses of vaccine. Dose one of the pentavalent vaccine is administered only once the child turns six weeks old. When it comes to the second and third dose, the child is administered with the pentavalent vaccine when they are 10 and 14 weeks respectively. Incidentally, there is no booster dose recommended.

Much like most vaccines for children, the pentavalent vaccine is available in various forms of liquid and lyophilised. Under the UIP (Universal Immunization Programme) in India, the vaccine is only available in liquid form only. Post receiving the vaccine, infants have been reported to have typical, common reactions such as fever, irritability and unusual crying, wherein they have recovered with symptomatic treatment.

Pentavalent vaccine advantages

The introduction of such combination vaccines has made a significant change in the reduction of volume in the immunization activities by decreasing the number of injections, level of pain and the cumulative exposure to preservatives and stabilisers that may result in adverse events. Combination vaccination for babies in India has helped in giving higher immunization coverage, too, making the whole process easier.

Immunization vs Vaccination

For new parents, it is important to maintain a vaccination chart and an immunization chart for their children. Immunization for babies is extremely important to protect them from infectious diseases, illnesses, severe disabilities and even death.

What is immunization?

Immunization is defined as the process wherein a person is made resistant or immune to an infectious disease through the administration of a vaccine. In other words, immunization is protection.

On the other hand, vaccination is defined as a product which is stimulated into a person’s immune system to boost immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually given either orally, sprayed into the nose or mouth, or through needle injections. Vaccination for babies is considered a breakthrough in medicine since it prevents serious diseases from harming an infant or a child.

Difference between vaccination and immunization

In essence, immunization is best described as the changes a body undergoes after receiving a vaccine. Vaccination is best described as the act of introducing a vaccine into a body to produce immunity to a particular disease.

A baby immunization chart would include all the vaccinations that are needed for the baby and helps parents keep an eye on the vulnerable diseases and the necessary shots pending. Vaccinations and immunizations are part of the same process – protecting the individual from life-threatening diseases and administering antibodies to fight off these diseases when the time comes. The best part about being immune to a certain disease or receiving all the important vaccination is that it is unlikely to spread or affect other folks in the community or area you hail from. A community who is majorly immune to specific diseases, it is likely that a non-vaccinated person may not fall sick to those diseases. But as the adage goes, it’s always better safe than sorry. You can also read our guide on the importance of weaning for your child for top-notch nutrition and health.

Looking for more advice on baby vaccination charts? Consult with top pediatricians online in 1 click!

Chapter 2

Additional vaccines for high-risk children

Does your child need extra protection because of their genes or environment? Find out if you should get these additional vaccines for your child.

The recommended vaccination chart for babies in India from the previous chapter is usually prescribed to all children, regardless of their genetics or lifestyle factors. However, your paediatrician might prescribe extra vaccines in certain situations to offer your child higher protection from diseases. This could be because the place they are living in has a higher risk for certain diseases or if they have a health problem that could impact their body’s immunity. Book an online doctor consultation with apediatrician to understand what vaccinations your baby needs based on his/ her bodily needs.

Risk factors for additional vaccines

Here are a few cases in which your doctor might advise you to get additional vaccinations for your child:

Compromised immunity

If your child has a congenital (developed at birth) or acquired (illnesses or conditions contracted after birth) immunodeficiency, they might need extra vaccines since their body might not be able to fight off certain pathogens.


If your child is on a long course of medication or treatment like steroids, immunosuppressants or radiation therapy, their immune system will be affected.

Certain illnesses

Conditions like asthma, cardiac complications, liver diseases, diabetes or renal diseases can make it necessary for your child to receive additional vaccines.


Asplenia is a condition when the spleen, an organ that plays a huge role in the immune system, is affected. Anatomic asplenia is when the spleen is not present at all while functional asplenia is when the spleen is present but is not working properly.

Also read our blog on Calcium-Rich Foods for Babies to Make Your Little One Stronger.


If there is a sudden outbreak of a disease in a particular place, your doctor might advise vaccination against it as a precautionary measure.

Exposure to animals

Certain animals are carriers of diseases that could affect your baby’s fragile immune system. There could also be a chance that they are accidentally bitten. To protect your baby against these harmful germs, your doctor might recommend a special vaccine.


If you are travelling to a new place, your pediatrician will most likely vaccinate your baby from diseases prevalent in that location since their body might not be able to fight against the viruses.

Additional vaccines

If your child meets any of the above criteria, they might have to receive additional immunization and vaccination doses, apart from the ones in the general vaccination chart for babies in India.

These immunization and vaccination doses include:

These additional vaccines in your vaccination and immunization chart can help you ensure your child is protected and safe against easily preventable diseases!

Get a personalized immunization chart for your child from your city’s top pediatricians online!

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Looking for more advice on your child's vaccination chart?
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Chapter 3

Breaking down the jargon: Types of vaccinations

Having a difficult time deciphering your child’s vaccination chart? Here’s how each of these vaccines protect your child!

If your baby’s vaccination chart looks like gibberish to you, you’re not alone. The medical terms used for different types of vaccines can be very confusing for someone without a medical background. Every parent wants to be more informed about their child’s health and understand what treatments they are receiving.

To make it simple, here is a breakdown of every vaccine in the vaccination chart for babies in India and the diseases prevented by vaccination.

BCG vaccine

The BCG vaccine is used to prevent tuberculosis. Around 20% of children who have been vaccinated against the disease do not get infected by the disease and over 50% of children who do get infected by it do not develop tuberculosis. This vaccine is used in countries where tuberculosis and leprosy are still prevalent.

Oral polio vaccine

Polio has become one of the biggest diseases prevented by vaccination. This vaccine has been one of the most revolutionary advances in medicine and has helped protect countless children from polio. In India, the Pulse Polio program was largely responsible for eradicating cases of polio in the country. Children usually need 4 doses of the vaccine to be completely protected from the disease.

Hep-B1 vaccine

This vaccine protects against hepatitis B. Babies generally receive the first dose of the vaccine within 24 hours of birth. The Hep-B1 vaccine can also protect your child against liver cancer as hepatitis B is the leading cause of this type of cancer.

DTP vaccine

The full form of the DTP vaccine is Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis. All three of these conditions can be fatal for children and were responsible for a very high number of child deaths in the past. Diphtheria causes respiratory and cardiac problems while tetanus tightens the muscles of the body, making it difficult for children to swallow. Pertussis, more commonly known as Whooping Cough, is a lethal cough that can be fatal for young children. With the DTP vaccine, you can be assured that your baby is completely protected from these diseases.

Hib 1 vaccine

This vaccine protects children from Haemophilus Influenzae type B. This infection was one of the biggest causes of the deadly bacterial meningitis in children, mostly below the age of 5.

Rotavirus vaccine

Rotavirus is a type of virus that can cause serious diarrhoea in young children. The cases of diarrhoea often used to get so severe that it would lead to dehydration, nausea, and vomiting among children. Your baby will need 2-3 doses of this vaccine to be protected from rotavirus.

Also read our blog on 9 Most Likely Reasons for Constipation in Babies.


PCV stands for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. This vaccine protects your baby from pneumococcal infections including meningitis, pneumonia, and infections of the ear and blood. Children usually require four doses of this vaccine for complete protection from pneumonia in babies.


TCV (typhoid conjugate vaccine) prevents children from contracting typhoid. There are two types of typhoid vaccines that are included in the immunization schedule chart: Ty21a and ViCPS. Ty21a can be used for children who are above the age of 6 and requires around 3-4 doses. ViCPS can be used for children above the age of 2.

MMR vaccine

The MMR vaccine in the immunization schedule chart protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. Your child will require 2 doses of the vaccine. Before the vaccine was developed, measles used to be one of the most widespread diseases among children. Today, cases of measles are extremely rare as they are one of the diseases prevented by vaccination and it is no longer considered a global endemic.


This injection for chickenpox can protect your child from chicken pox. Children first receive this vaccine when they are around 12-15 months old and then require a booster shot injection for chickenpox when they are between the ages of 4-6.

Understanding the vaccination chart with diseases they prevent can make you all the more aware of the importance of vaccination chart for babies in India.

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Chapter 4

Importance of vaccination for your baby

Polio, smallpox, measles - most of us today have no memory of these diseases because they were erased long before we were born. The reason for this is simple: Vaccines.

Ever since they were first invented, vaccines have helped prevent numerous diseases and saved countless lives. Parents today take it for granted that their baby will grow up to a strong, healthy adult. But before the introduction of vaccines, parents used to worry about health issues such as pneumonia in babies in the first few years of their child’s life. Polio, for example, was a global endemic, with around 350,000 cases each year as early as the 1980s.

After the introduction of the polio vaccine, the number of polio cases has reduced by an incredible 99.99%

As these numbers show, the importance of vaccination for your baby cannot be overstated. If you’re concerned, you can always book an appointment with a pediatrician online anytime for a quick consultation. Here are five major advantages of vaccination which proves why vaccinating your baby is the best decision you can make for their life.

They protect your child’s health

The most important point on the importance of vaccination is that you are safeguarding your child’s health. Many deadly diseases have been completely eradicated by vaccines. Following the recommended vaccination chart for babies in India will provide them with a better quality of life and freedom from preventable diseases.

They protect future generations

The importance of vaccinations doesn’t just begin and end with your child. Vaccines don’t just protect your child, they protect society as a whole. When your baby is very young and hasn’t been vaccinated yet, they depend upon other people being vaccinated to avoid contracting a disease. For example, if every person in your city has been vaccinated for measles, measles isn’t likely to be found in the city. Because of this, your unvaccinated baby will still be safe because the probability that they would come into contact with the virus is low. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you protect future generations in the same way that your baby was protected when they were young.

They are completely safe

While there have been numerous myths floating around about the dangers of vaccines, there is no scientific evidence to back any of it. In reality, vaccines that are given to your child go through rigorous testing first. They are thoroughly reviewed by doctors and experts in the field to ensure that they do not cause your baby any harm. The importance of vaccination and the benefits of it far outweigh any temporary side effects they might cause.

Also read our blog on How to Clean Baby Bottles and Keep Germs at Bay.

Not all diseases have been eradicated

Some diseases that are prevented by vaccines have still not been completely wiped out. There are certain countries in which the disease-causing viruses are still prevalent. People travelling to and from these places could carry the virus with them. This means that if your baby is unvaccinated and comes into contact with the virus, there’s a high chance they could contract the disease.

Vaccines can prevent high medical costs in the future

Financial benefits add to the importance of vaccination for your child. The cost of getting your child vaccinated is nowhere close to the cost of treating the diseases they prevent. Diseases like influenza and whooping cough involve long and complex treatment cycles that can be very expensive for parents. Vaccinating your child today can help you save a lot on medical expenses, which can be used for other things like building an education fund.

Vaccinating your child can go a long way in protecting present and future generations. By taking this small step, you can do your part in helping the world become a healthier place for everyone.

Common myths about vaccination debunked

While parents understand that vaccines are essential for their child to live a healthy life, there are several misconceptions about vaccinations. Here are the most common vaccination myths and the truth behind them.

Vaccines can prevent high medical costs in the future

While vaccines do contain chemicals like mercury and formaldehyde, they contain them in very small amounts. They are present in such low concentrations that they do not pose any risk to your child’s health.

Spacing out your child’s vaccinations can prevent side effects

Side effects from vaccinations are uncommon and they are rarely -if ever- serious. Many parents are still concerned that their child might face side effects if their vaccination appointments are too close together. However, this myth has no factual basis. It’s also important that parents do not make any alterations to their child’s vaccination schedule unless they consult with their pediatrician first.

You should stick to the same pediatrician for the entire vaccination schedule

Going to the same pediatrician for the entire course of your child’s vaccinations does offer several benefits. The doctor will already know your child’s medical history and often times, your child will have developed a rapport for them. However, medically speaking, there is no reason why you should go to the same pediatrician as long as you follow the vaccination chart. So if you move away from your current pediatrician or can’t continue with them for other reasons, you shouldn’t worry about getting your child’s shots from another pediatrician. If you do decide to continue consulting the same pediatrician, schedule appointments with an online pediatrician as this makes follow ups and second opinions easier and affordable.

If you miss one vaccination, you need to restart the course

If your child misses one vaccination, make sure you inform your pediatrician, .In most cases, they can safely receive the missed vaccination at the next appointment and continue with their scheduled course. Thats why its recommended that you religiously follow the vaccination chart for babies in India

Looking for a second opinion on your baby’s vaccination? Consult top pediatricians online in 1 click!

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Chapter 5

How to prepare your child for a vaccine

There are many ways in which you can prepare your child physically and emotionally for their vaccination and turn it into a positive experience for them and for you.

Injections and children aren’t the best of combinations. Most toddlers and young children will be less than happy about being taken for a vaccine shot. It can be an equally difficult time for you as a parent because you will need to comfort your child and coax them into staying still for their shot, something that can seem close to impossible.

The good news is that your child’s vaccine shots don’t need to be such a stressful episode for everyone involved. There are many ways in which you can prepare your child physically and emotionally for their vaccination and turn it into a positive experience for them and for you.

Before the vaccination appointment

The way you prepare your child for their vaccination is almost as important as the appointment itself. Consulting with your pediatrician and following the recommended vaccination chart for babies in India is the first step, but you need to prepare your child for it as well. Here are the points to keep in mind in the days leading up to your child’s vaccination appointment.

Do prepare a sucrose solution for babies

Unlike with toddlers, you cannot try to prepare your baby for a shot by trying to reason or rationalize with them. There are, however, vaccination pain relief for babies techniques that you can use. A highly concentrated mixture of sugar has been proven to be very effective at pain relief. To prepare a sugar solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar in 2 teaspoons of hot water and bring to a boil. Once this mixture is cooled down, it is ready to use. You can feed your baby a few drops of this solution before their appointment or dip their pacifier in it and allow them to suck on it. Don’t substitute this technique of vaccination pain relief for babies with natural sweeteners as honey can be very dangerous for babies.

To prepare a sugar solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar in 2 teaspoons of hot water and bring to a boil. Once this mixture is cooled down, it is ready to use. You can feed your baby a few drops of this solution before their appointment or dip their pacifier in it and allow them to suck on it.

Don’t take them by surprise

Some parents don’t tell their child that they’re taking them for vaccination until they’re inside the doctor’s office. This approach could actually do more harm than good. If your child is completely unprepared, they will have to deal with the shock of such an unexpected event along with the fear of getting an injection. This can make the experience even more traumatic for your child, something that will only heighten their fear of injections.

Do help them prepare for it in advance

Tell your child about the appointment in steps and show them their vaccination chart for babies in India so they can start mentally preparing themselves for it. For example, you can start by telling them that they are due for a shot, then after a day or two, tell them that you are fixing an appointment and then after some time, tell them that you will be taking them for it the next day. This gradual buildup will give your child enough time to prepare themselves for the experience.

Don’t hide the truth of injections

Children by their very nature are incredibly curious and always asking questions about everything around them. When they know that a vaccination appointment is looming in the horizon, they are bound to ask you incessant questions about how much it will hurt, how long it will take and even how big the needle is going to be. You might be tempted to brush off their fears to protect them, but this might not work. Instead, be completely open with them about what they can expect so they will be prepared to handle it better. Rather than telling them that they won’t feel anything from the injection, tell them that they might experience a small pinch when the needle goes in, but there won’t be any pain, Remember, your child is far more intuitive than you think! If you aren’t completely honest with them, they might pick up on it and become more anxious.

Do focus on the positive advantages of vaccination

As an adult, you understand how important following their baby vaccination chart is and how it can protect your child’s long-term health. But your child will usually be unaware of it. They tend to have a negative association with vaccinations because they are only aware of the short-term discomfort it creates. To counter this, you can help them build a positive association with vaccines by explaining its benefits. You can tell them that they need it to grow big, strong and healthy. In fact, you might already be using this technique to get your child to drink milk or eat their greens. It works equally well for vaccines!

During the vaccination appointment

Even with the best preparation, it is completely normal for your child to experience some amount of anxiousness during their appointment. If you are wondering how to reduce pain after vaccination, here are a few steps you can take to comfort them.

Consider breastfeeding your baby

Some doctors allow mothers to breastfeed their baby during a vaccination shot as a technique for vaccination pain relief for babies. This is very effective in two ways: it distracts a baby from the prick of a shot and the close skin-to-skin contact offers comfort to the baby. If you can’t breastfeed your baby during the appointment, cuddling them close, singing a familiar lullaby or just talking to them in a soothing voice can be great techniques for vaccination pain relief for babies.

Offer your toddler some amount of control

Giving your child a sense of control over the situation will help reduce their anxiousness. Small things like allowing them to choose where they want to sit and what hand to get the shot can go a long way in soothing them.

Bring along familiar toys

A doctor’s office can seem cold and uninviting even to adults, so it’s no surprise that it might seem worse for your child. To help them feel more secure and at home, you can bring a few of their favourite toys, a special blanket that they love or a few books that they can read.

Amuse and distract them

Your child’s vaccination appointment is a great opportunity for you to bring out your inner comedian, performer or storyteller! The more you entertain your child, the less likely they are to focus on the actual shot. You can sing songs with them, tell them a riveting story or play a game with them to distract them.

Also read our blog on How to Encourage Toddlers to Talk for the First Time.

Ask for numbing creams or patches

Many doctors provide mild analgesics, usually in the form of a numbing patch or gel, that can numb the area where they will be getting a shot. With this, your child probably won’t even feel the prick of the needle. It is also a very effective technique for vaccination pain relief for babies.

These tips on vaccination pain relief for babies can help ease the entire process for your child. Since vaccinations usually need booster shots according to the recommended vaccination chart for babies in India, the positive experience can help them be less anxious about their next appointment.

After the vaccination

If your child is very young, they are most likely going to have repeated vaccination booster shots in the near future. Giving your child a positive experience for this vaccination appointment can help them face their next appointments much more easily.

Here are a few things you can do after their vaccination shot to help them feel better.

Reward them with a treat

Children get nervous about their vaccinations because they have a negative association with it (injections equal pain). To break this, you can help them build a positive association instead. Taking them out to their favourite restaurant, for ice cream or buying them a small toy after their vaccination is a great way to do this. If your child has something to look forward to after, they are much less likely to resist the appointment.

Shower them with praise

Your child has an innate desire to make you happy and proud of them. When they successfully finish their vaccination appointment, you can heap praise on them by telling them how brave and grownup they were during the whole process. This will encourage them to face their next appointment with less fear.

These tips can help ease the entire process for your child. Since vaccinations usually need booster shots, the positive experience can help them be less anxious about their next appointment.

Prepare your child for a vaccination by consulting your city’s top pediatrician online first!

Chapter 6

Vaccination precautions every parent should remember

What are contraindications and can they affect your child’s vaccination schedule? Find out the precautions you need to take for your child’s vaccines.

Vaccines that are administered to your child have been through rigorous testing and quality checks to ensure that they are completely safe. There are some very rare cases, however, in which vaccines might not be able to work to their full potential or cause side effects in a child.

A contraindication is when there are certain factors present in your child that can impact the efficacy of the vaccine. Most contraindications are only temporary so your doctor is unlikely to stop the vaccine completely. Instead, they might postpone the vaccination to a later date when the symptoms have gone.

Here are some of the factors that can impact your child’s immunization schedule chart.

If their immune system is compromised

Children with a heavily compromised immune system should not receive live vaccines. A live vaccine is one in which the disease-causing pathogen is weakened, but still alive. Cancer, HIV, and treatments like chemotherapy are a few conditions in which a child might not receive certain vaccines.

If they have a high fever

Pediatricians will usually recommend delaying your child’s next vaccination if they have a very high fever on the day of the appointment. This is because a fever weakens your child’s immunity and might hamper the vaccine from performing effectively.

If your child has a low grade fever, one that is below 101 degrees, they cangenerally still receive their vaccination.

If there is a history of seizures

Your Pediatricians will generally take your full family medical history into consideration before creating a vaccination schedule for your child. A family history of seizures might be a risk factor for certain vaccines. However, let your doctor take the final call on whether it is safe to administer these vaccines or not.

Severe reactions to a vaccine in the past

Many vaccines require booster shots over a particular period of time to be fully effective. If your child has a very bad reaction to a certain vaccine, ensure that you speak to your doctor about it. Depending upon the severity of the reaction, your doctor might alter the course of your child’s vaccination schedule. In many cases, if the benefits outweigh the reaction, your doctor will recommend sticking to the schedule.

Also read our blog on Common Symptoms of Cradle Cap Parents Should Not Ignore.

Certain medication

In some cases, a doctor might delay the vaccination if they feel that the medication your child is on could hamper the effectiveness of the vaccine. In general, however, vaccines are considered safe to use alongside medication. Even if your child is on a course of antibiotics, they can still receive their vaccinations on schedule.

It’s important to remember that you always let your doctor take the call on whether to delay or not administer a certain vaccine. As there is a lot of misinformation about vaccines floating around, misunderstanding the risk factors or contraindications and modifying your doctor’s recommended vaccination chart for babies in India can do your baby more harm than good.

Do these factors seem familiar? Consult a pediatrician now to take extra precaution for your baby’s vaccination journey.

Looking for more advice on your child's vaccination chart?
Consult instantly with your city's top pediatricians

Looking for more advice on your child's vaccination chart?
Consult instantly with your city's top pediatricians

Chapter 7

Common vaccination side effects to look out for

Is a fever after a vaccine normal? Here are some possible side effects of vaccines your child might experience.

Immunization and vaccination are a form of medication, and like any other medicine, they can cause side-effects. As a parent, it can be easy to be alarmed when your child falls sick soon after a vaccine. However, understanding that many of these side effects are completely normal and harmless can save you a lot of worry and stress.

Here are some of the common side effects of vaccines in babies.

Swelling around the injection site

Sometimes, your child can develop redness, swelling or a rash around the area where they received the injection. This is one of the most common vaccination side effects and subsides on its own within a few hours or days. If your child finds the patches of dry skin itchy or painful, you can place a cloth dipped in cold water over the area to numb the pain.


Many babies and children tend to be fussy within the first 24 hours of their vaccine. This usually has less to do with the actual vaccine than with the stress of the situation. Pain from the injection, itching around the injection site and the disturbance to their normal routine can all contribute to making your child feel cranky. These bouts of fussiness can often be confused with the symptoms of baby colic. You can help them feel more at ease by treating them to their favourite food, playing with them or just allowing them to nap for some time.

Mild fever

In some cases, your child may develop a mild fever as a vaccination side effect immediately after receiving an immunization and vaccination. As long as the fever doesn’t cross 101 degrees, this shouldn’t be a cause for concern. You can help bring down your child’s fever with a cold compress and keep them hydrated with soups and electrolytes. If their temperature increases, speak to your doctor about it. They might alter the dates of your baby vaccination chart if it coincides with their appointment.

Read our blog on 8 Tried-and-Tested Indian Home Remedies for Cold and Cough in Infants.


One of the side effects of vaccines in babies is dizziness immediately after getting their shot. This could very likely be from the fear of receiving the injection. If your child is going through this, make them sit or lie down for some time and, if they are older than 2, give them some hard candy to suck on.


Indigestion is among the fairly common vaccination side effects. If your child has diarrhoea or bouts of vomiting after getting their shot, the first thing you need to do is increase their fluid intake to prevent dehydration. If you are still breastfeeding, continue to do so without changing their feeding schedule. Consult with your paediatrician if the problem persists.

The diseases that immunization and vaccination protect your child against are much more serious than any temporary side effects of vaccines in babies they might cause. Most of these side effects are relatively rare and resolve themselves within a few days. However, if the vaccination side effects become severe and are persistent, don’t hesitate to consult with your paediatrician immediately.

Vaccinating your child from serious diseases and following the recommended vaccination chart for babies in India is one of the most responsible decisions you can make for your child’s health. As a parent, the feeling of security you get from knowing that your child is protected against so many health conditions is priceless!

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There are many vaccines for babies in India. Some of the vaccines that are included are:

1. Oral polio vaccine for polio

2. Hep B1 for Hepatitis B

3. PCV1 for pneumonia and meningitis

4. BCG for tuberculosis

5. MMR vaccine for measles and mumps

However, there are many vaccines that has to be taken by your baby at different stages of their growth. It is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting the vaccination schedule.

Vaccination chart for babies is the vaccination schedule which consists of the list of vaccines with recommended dosages for babies at different ages. The vaccination chart is drafted as per the guidelines of IAP( Indian Academy of Pediatrics). Following the chart will help your baby get protected from most of the diseases. However, there might be a few changes for some babies and thus it is better to check with your pediatrician before scheduling your baby’s vaccination chart.

The mandatory vaccines for babies in India are oral polio vaccine, vaccines for typhoid, measles, mumps, pneumonia, smallpox and diphtheria. Your baby’s health condition r external factors might require additional vaccines for cholera, rabies, yellow fever and influenza.

Our vaccination chart lists down the recommended vaccines for your baby. Sometimes, extra vaccines are given based on his/her health condition. Your baby is generally vaccinated until about ten years old for various infections.

The vaccines that are recommended for babies around nine months old are oral polio vaccine, MMR1 for measles and mumps and vaccination for typhoid. Under required health conditions, your baby might need to be vaccinated for rabies, yellow fever and cholera. It is always better to consult with your doctor regarding vaccinations for your baby.

Vaccines for Hepatitis A, Diphtheria, MMR3 against measles and mumps, vaccines for influenza and Varicella virus are a few that are not given for newborn babies. Only three vaccines are given for newborn babies, which are oral polio vaccine for polio, HepB1 for Hepatitis and BCG vaccine against tuberculosis. Apart from this, there might be a few vaccines added to the list. However, your doctor decides about the extra vaccines.

Fever after vaccination is not rare in babies. Vaccines evoke immune response by generating antibodies against a particular infection and boost your baby’s immunity. As a result of the immune reaction, you baby might suffer from fever which generally lasts for a day or two. Incase, fever prolongs or there is shoot up in body temperature, immediately visit the doctor for help.

Vaccinations safeguard your baby from deadly diseases. Children can freely move around and perform their everyday chores without any fear of illness when they are vaccinated. Some of the recommended vaccines for children are against polio, smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, and measles.

There are vaccines for your baby, from the time of their birth until they are about 10-12 years of age. However, at each stage they are immunized with different vaccines. For example, right after birth, babies are vaccinated for Hepatitis and Polio. When they are about 10 years, they are immunized for Human Papillomavirus. It’s very important to follow the recommended vaccination chart for babies in India to ensure your child receives their vaccines at the right stages.

The vaccinations are given against a wide range of diseases from the time of their birth. Vaccinations protect your baby from the harmful diseases by boosting their immune system.
Here is a list of diseases and vaccines that are generally given to your baby:

Oral Polio - protect against the onset of polio

Hep B1 - against Hepatitis B

PCV1 - protection against pneumonia and meningitis.

TCV - Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine.

Apart from the few listed above, there are many more in the suggested vaccination list.

Babies can travel after vaccination. However before their travel, doctors advise to get your child vaccinated so that they are not prone to any new diseases as a result of visiting a new place. Consult your doctor before travelling and get your baby vaccinated depending on the place of visit.

Babies can be given mixtures of sugar as it is said to keep the pain under control. However, itching and swelling in the injected area is common and to solve this issue, cover the injection site with a damp cloth. This will automatically help the swelling to subside.

The mentioned vaccination chart for babies is a standard chart for vaccination in India and gives you a month-by-month breakdown of vaccines for your baby along with follow-ups for booster shots. You can also download the chart and print it out to stay on track with your child’s vaccination schedule!

Vaccinations comes with side effects, however, they are not severe and resolve by itself. The common side effects that accompany vaccinations are:

1.Swelling at the site where the injection was used.

2.Mild fever, sometimes could be high fever, in which case a doctors help is required.

3.Fussy behaviour. Children become cranky and refuse to adhere to the general instructions at home and constantly keep crying.

When your child is around six weeks, they get vaccinated for the following listed below:


Inactivated Poliovirus

Hepatitis B


PCV1 against pneumonia

It is advisable to get your baby vaccinated before taking him/her out. Vaccination will protect your baby against acquiring any infections due to the sudden exposure. It is always better to take the required precautions before taking your baby outside.

Vaccines generally take about a week to 20 days to come to effect. Once the vaccine is introduced into the body, the immune system recognises the foreign body and starts to generate antibodies in response to the vaccine. For all the process to take place and for the immune system to be ready, it should take about 7-20 days.

Not all babies get fevers after vaccination, however, some babies do. This is not a serious condition. Make sure the temperature is below 100 degrees. Use simple home remedies to treat your baby. If the fever persists, then visit the doctor.

You don’t have to start the entire process. Instead, add the missed vaccine in the upcoming schedule. However, it is advisable to refer the doctor before deciding about any changes or addition in the vaccination schedules.

It is common to have repeated vaccination boosters after a certain period of time. Each vaccine comes with its own timelines and it is better to take your doctor’s advice to know about the schedule of each vaccination and its repetition procedure.

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