Xanthelasma Treatment in Indians: Process & Recovery

Last modified on January 2024
With inputs from Dr.Nikhileshwari Vanukuru, General Physician

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Key Takeaway:
Xanthelasma eyelid is a condition in which the person develops bumpy, yellow plaques on or around the eyelids. These patches are cholesterol deposits around eyes and it forms under the skin.
It is important to consult a dermatologist if you notice any cholesterol deposit in eyes to receive a suitable xanthelasma treatment plan.
Xanthelasma in eyelid can be caused by various factors. They include dyslipidemia, genetic factors, lifestyle factors, and chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.
Xanthelasma in eyelid can be removed if it causes a hindrance, or for cosmetic reasons.

Last modified on January 2024
With inputs from Dr.Nikhileshwari Vanukuru, General Physician

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Key Takeaway:
Xanthelasma eyelid is a condition in which the person develops bumpy, yellow plaques on or around the eyelids. These patches are cholesterol deposits around eyes and it forms under the skin.
It is important to consult a dermatologist if you notice any cholesterol deposit in eyes to receive a suitable xanthelasma treatment plan.
Xanthelasma in eyelid can be caused by various factors. They include dyslipidemia, genetic factors, lifestyle factors, and chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.
Xanthelasma in eyelid can be removed if it causes a hindrance, or for cosmetic reasons.

Chapter 1: What is Xanthelasma in eyelid?

Xanthelasma eyelid is a condition in which the person develops bumpy, yellow plaques on or around the eyelids. These patches are cholesterol deposits around eyes and it forms under the skin. While they aren’t harmful/ painful, they may indicate susceptibility to heart disease. It is important to get it diagnosed by the doctor to check for underlying health conditions.

Xanthelasma symptoms:
The main symptom of xanthelasma includes yellow/ white bumps on or around your eyelids. Generally, these cholesterol deposits under eyes appear symmetrical between your eyes. While these cholesterol bumps do not affect eye function, it may cause some level of discomfort if it grows and becomes large. Xanthelasma in eyelid can be removed if it causes a hindrance, or for cosmetic reasons. In any case, it is important to consult a dermatologist if you notice any cholesterol deposit in eyes to receive a suitable xanthelasma treatment plan.

Risk factors for xanthelasma in eyelid:
While the condition is quite rare, it is possible to develop xanthelasma eyelid if you have high cholesterol levels in your body. The following are the risk factors for developing yellow/ white cholesterol spots on eyelids:

  • The fat levels in your blood are high. However, it is also possible to be diagnosed with xanthelasma under eye if your lipid levels (cholesterol) is normal. It is important to get your cholesterol levels checked if you start developing cholesterol bumps around eyes.
  • You are diagnosed with chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure
  • You are middle-aged, or older
  • You are a woman

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It’s understandable to be alarmed when you notice white cholesterol spots on eyelids. Try not to worry as it can be managed with suitable xanthelasma treatment plans. In any case, it is crucial to seek out proper medical care for xanthelasma under eye. Consulting a dermatologist can help you identify your underlying causes. In addition to this, a regular full-body health checkup once a year can help understand the state of your health and the areas that require improvement. You can have an instant consultation with a doctor onMFine, or you can avail of a comprehensive health check-up package or a specific condition-based health package depending on your lifestyle factors, dietary factors, age, and existing medical conditions.

Consult top dermatologists online to thoroughly assess your xanthelasma symptoms!

Chapter 2: Xanthelasma causes in Indians- What are they?

Xanthelasma in eyelid can be caused by various factors. They include:

1. Dyslipidemia
Dyslipidemia is a lipid disorder. Generally, patients with this disorder have high lipid levels in their body, which includes certain cholesterols and triglycerides. (a type of fat) You are more prone to developing dyslipidemia if you are diagnosed with:

Several factors can contribute to increased lipid levels in the body; thus, leading to the development of white cholesterol spots on eyelids. While some xanthelasma causes are inherently genetic, others can be due to lifestyle factors.

Genetic factors
Genetic factors that contribute to high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol include:

  • Familial deficiency of the enzyme that metabolizes fats (lipoprotein lipase)
  • Dyslipoproteinemia, a disorder that causes individuals to have increased lipid levels in the bloodstream due to genetic reasons.
  • Hypertriglyceridemia, a disorder that causes individuals to have increased triglycerides levels in the bloodstream due to genetic reasons.

3. Lifestyle factors
Lifestyle factors that contribute to high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol include:

  • Consuming an Indian diet that has high saturated fat content
  • Consuming an Indian diet that has low unsaturated fat and fiber
  • Weight gain
  • Excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking
  • Lack of exercise routine

4. Chronic conditions
Chronic lifestyle conditions like obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, or hypothyroidism can make you more prone to developing high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol; thus, causing xanthelasma in eyelids.

It is imperative to understand your Xanthelasma causes to effectively treat it. However, if you experience a persistent deposit of cholesterol in eyes, this may indicate an underlying condition that needs to be addressed. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis of your cholesterol bumps to effectively relieve it.

Consult your city’s top skin doctors online to evaluate your risk factors for developing cholesterol bumps

Chapter 3: How is the xanthelasma diagnosis performed in India?

Firstly, the doctor will want to know when you started noticing cholesterol bumps under eyes. Since xanthelasma in eyelids has a distinct appearance, the doctor may perform the diagnosis with a visual examination only.
However, to find the exact cause behind the development of these yellow bumps, the doctor will want to know your medical history. They will also recommend you to perform a lipid profile test. This test will help your doctor determine if xanthelasma in eyelids were caused by elevated lipoprotein levels in the bloodstream. After an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will recommend an appropriate xanthelasma treatment procedure.

Consult your city’s top dermatologists to understand if your symptoms require a xanthelasma diagnosis in just 1 click!

Chapter 4: What are the various Xanthelasma treatments in India?

While these bumps can’t go away on their own, they may stay the same or grow larger. If you are concerned about its appearance, the doctor may be able to perform a suitable xanthelasma treatment procedure. Some of the methods include:

    • Cryotherapy
      This method removes cholesterol deposit in eyelids by freezing it using liquid nitrogen, or a similar chemical. However, this procedure may result in scarring, and changes to your skin pigment.
    • Traditional surgery/ surgical excision
      By using a small blade/ knife, the surgeon will be able to remove xanthelasma in eyelids effectively. The recovery period for traditional surgery is at least 4 weeks.
    • Xanthelasma laser removal/ surgery
      This xanthelasma removal procedure is less invasive than traditional surgery. However, it does carry the risk of scarring the skin.
    • Electrodesiccation
      This is a quick in-office technique where electrical current is applied directly to the white cholesterol spots on eyelids to remove it.
    • Medication
      In some cases, medicines that treat high cholesterol can also dissolve the growth of cholesterol deposits on eyelids.

For any xanthelasma treatment, it is imperative to note down any side-effects in your recovery process. If you experience abnormal scarring or changes in skin colour, consult a dermatologist immediately. Xanthelasma in eyelids can have a high recurrence rate, especially in cases of high lipid levels. It is also important to note that there are no proven xanthelasma home treatment/ home remedies.

Book a consultation with top skin doctors online to get an accurate xanthelasma diagnosis from the comfort of your home

Chapter 5: How to manage and treat high cholesterol for Indians?

If you have high lipid levels in your bloodstream, the dermatologist will direct you to an appropriate specialist to treat high cholesterol levels. They may suggest the following changes, depending on lifestyle factors and severity of the condition:

  • The dermatologist may direct you to a dietitian to make changes to your current diet
  • Limit your daily intake of saturated fats
  • Increase your daily fiber intake
  • Consume protein-rich foods, especially plant-based proteins such as beans or tofu.
  • If you engage in smoking regularly, discuss with your doctor on methods to break this habit.
  • Perform at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise 3 times a week

Incorporating these changes into your lifestyle can reduce your lipid levels; thus, also treating cholesterol bumps around eyes. Apart from this, the doctor may also prescribe medications to manage and treat high cholesterol levels.

Consult top dermatologists online to receive a personalized treatment plan for cholesterol bumps under your eye

Chapter 6: Consulting a doctor for xanthelasma treatment on MFine

Xanthelasma in eyelids can be effectively managed and treated. The correct diagnosis is the key to receiving appropriate xanthelasma treatment. Based on your medical condition, you will either be:

  • Recommended different xanthelasma removal procedures, if the patches are causing discomfort, or if you want it to be removed for cosmetic reasons
  • Directed to a specialized expert to treat the underlying xanthelasma causes

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A dermatologist can best diagnose cholesterol bumps on the skin and suggest the way forward based on the severity of your condition alongside your body type, dietary factors, and other lifestyle factors. If you face severe xanthelasma symptoms, you must see a dermatologist right away. At MFine, we enable the patients to live a healthier life with modern medical services.
We ensure that the best xanthelasma treatment programs are made available to our patients for every stage of the condition. Get in touch with our team of highly-qualified doctors and healthcare professionals for any medical advice or assistance. We, at MFine, provide you with a holistic healthcare treatment program as per your bodily needs and requirements. You can also check our MFine app for a list of the best dermatologists in your city with whom you can chat or video call to get answers for your medical queries!

Consult top dermatologists online to receive a personalized treatment plan for cholesterol bumps under your eye

Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions on Xanthelasma Treatment in Indians:

1. How do you treat xanthelasma naturally?
While xanthelasma in eyelids can’t be removed naturally, you can treat the underlying cause; thus, reducing the likelihood of recurrence.

    • Limit your daily intake of saturated fats
    • Increase your daily fiber intake

Consume protein-rich foods, especially plant-based proteins such as beans or tofu.
If you engage in smoking regularly, discuss with your doctor on methods to break this habit.
Perform at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise 3 times a week

Incorporating these changes into your lifestyle can reduce your lipid levels; thus, also treating cholesterol bumps around eyes.

2. Is xanthelasma hereditary?
Certain genetic factors can also make you more prone to developing cholesterol bumps in eyelids. They include:

  • Familial deficiency of the enzyme that metabolizes lipids (lipoprotein lipase)
  • Family history of having increased levels of triglycerides/ lipids (a type of fat) in the bloodstream.

3. What is the difference between Xanthoma and xanthelasma?
Xanthelasma eyelid is a condition in which the person develops bumpy, yellow plaques on or around the eyelids due to high lipid levels in the body. It is a distinct condition and is only called xanthoma when the deposits become larger and more nodular.

4. How do I book an appointment with a dermatologist online?
To schedule an instant medical appointment, download the MFine app, search for a dermatologist online, and enter your contact details. After doing so, you can consult with top dermatologists online from the comfort of your home. You can discuss your health concerns comfortably asMFine takes your privacy very seriously. With a safe and secure platform, we ensure that the discussions between you and your doctor strictly remain confidential.

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