Does Anemia Affect Periods? Discussing Periods And Anemia
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Menstrual cycles occur typically every month. The average cycle length can range from 21 to 35 days, and the duration of each cycle is usually 5 to 7 days. If the bleeding is more in quantity or duration, it can lead to anemia. Not only this but the period can also be affected by anemia. More than 25% of non-pregnant females have anemia. This article will help you understand how periods and anemia are related and if anemia affects periods.
What Is Anemia, And What Are Its Symptoms?
Anemia, in simple words, means less blood. It could be due to loss of blood or decreased production of blood. The most common cause is a deficiency in nutrients like iron. Anemia leads to weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, and infertility. Anemia, if caused due to iron or vitamin B12 deficiency, has additional symptoms due to the low iron and B12 levels themselves.
Can Low Hemoglobin Cause Irregular Periods?
Excessive bleeding can lead to anemia. Just not this, but there can also be delayed periods or irregular periods due to less hemoglobin. The exact cause is unknown, but studies have shown that this could be due to less blood supply and ovulation failure.
Heavy Periods And Anemia
Most women wonder if there is a relationship between heavy periods and anemia. Excessive blood loss can lead to anemia over a period of time. Additionally, there can be other symptoms like weakness and fatigue.
Signs That You Are Losing Too Much Blood During Periods?
Usually, a normal menstrual bleed varies with the day of menstruation. On average, it is 5 to 7 days. Maximum bleeding occurs on days 2,3, and or 4. And the total bleeding is around less than 80 ml or 4 to 5 tablespoons. Changing a pad or tampon for every 2 to 3 hours is one of the critical signs that you are losing too much blood during the period. If bleeding occurs for more than seven days, it could also lead to anemia.
How To Deal With Anemia During Periods?
One must consume green leafy vegetables and fruits, nuts & seeds, eggs, and meat. Treating anemia is primary, but the root cause has to be treated as anemia can recur if the underlying condition that’s causing excessive bleeding is not addressed. If anemia is severe or causing too much discomfort, consulting a doctor and getting treated for anemia is advised as there could be complications.
Can Anemia Cause Heavy Periods?
Anemia can cause irregular periods, but it’s highly improbable. Studies have shown that anemia exists in heavy menstrual bleeding, but the correlation is not proven.
Can An Iron Deficiency Cause Light Periods?
Iron deficiency leads to anemia if it happens for a few months. This, in turn, can lead to less bleeding and irregular cycles.
Can Anemia Cause Missed Periods?
Heavy periods can lead to anemia, and in turn, anemia can lead to light periods, and if it is prolonged for a long time, it can cause missed periods. Read more on 10 Most Asked Questions About Sickle Cell Anemia
Can Anemia Get Worse During Periods?
If it happens for a long time, menstrual bleeding can lead to anemia. Anemia can get aggravated if the bleeding during that period is heavy and prolonged for an extended period. However, the change will not be drastic and will occur over a few days as the body tries to compensate for this sudden blood loss.
Can You Be Anemic Just During Periods?
Menorrhagia is excessive bleeding during menstruation. Anemia occurs when excessive bleeding happens over a period of time. One can not become anemic just during periods. If a female is anemic, she will be anemic irrespective of the day of the menstrual cycle.
How Much Hemoglobin Drops During Periods?
Hemoglobin does not drop dramatically during the period unless the menstrual bleeding is too high. Even with that, the chances are pretty low. The normal bleeding that happens during the cycle does not cause hemoglobin drop. Anemia can cause complications like heart failure. It has to be addressed early. It can also lead to infertility in the reproductive age group. Treating anemia is important as also the underlying condition so that the root cause is addressed. Read All About Periods: Cycle, Problems & Tracking.
So this was about periods and anemia. Keep in mind the signs of heavy blood loss and how to deal with it. In case of any discomfort reach out to a gynaecologist on MFine to get yourself checked and for the best treatment.
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